13- The Afterparty

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After Draco smashed his lips against mine, I pushed him off forcefully, wondering what Pansy had to say.

"Wait, what?" she said, her eyes widening.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" I shouted, repeatedly pushing him away from me while Pansy stood and watched.

"I had to see if the rumors were true," he whispered.

"What rumors?"

"I overheard George say you were a good kisser. I had to check it out for myself."

I scoffed. "You've experienced it plenty of times before. It's your own fault that we can't do it anymore."

"Who said we couldn't?"

"I did."

With that, I grabbed Pansy by the wrist and pulled her into the Gryffindor common room, ignoring the protesting blonde boy behind the door.

"George Fabian Weasley!" I shouted, causing the crowd around him to send good-luck-with-that-one looks toward George.

They all scattered as I walked up to him but Fred protectively stood next to George with his arms crossed.

"Something wrong, darling?"

"Are you going around telling people about my kissing abilities?"

"No, but I can if you want."

"Then what was Malfoy talking — oh."

My brain hurt from realization and information flooding through it.

"So you're telling me that he just wanted to kiss me for no reason? Why would he do that? I've told him a thousand times that I don't like him!"

"He kissed you?" Fred questioned, earning him a nod from yours truly.

Why would he plain out kiss me? I'm totally over him — at least I think I am. This just makes me more angry at him rather than attracted. Boys can be so stupid.

I sighed and turned away from the twins while they chatted about the information I just provided them. Pansy was standing by Ron, eating snacks and reluctantly chatting with the drunk ginger.

"Little too much to drink, huh? I guess drinking to forget your terrible life is your way of coping" I yelled at Ron over the music.

"Whatever," he replied, grabbing another small cup and downing it.

I shook my head at him and patted Pansy on the shoulder while grabbing myself a cup from the table.

I made my way around the party, looking for Harry. He was recently lifted onto the twins shoulders, holding up the golden egg he retrieved for the first task.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry shouted, holding up his egg.

The crowd went wild while I stood there, cringing at his behavior. Harry looked at me, winked, and then went back to opening the prized egg.

As he opened it, a horrendous screech reverberated off of the floors and walls, directly towards into the students compacted in a circle around Harry.

I slammed my hands over my ears to muffle the noise, but as it was unbearably high pitched, it didn't help much. The twins dropped Harry on the ground due to the pain in their ears distracting them from the boy on their shoulders.

Soon after, Harry smashed the two sides of the egg together to stop the ear-piercing noise. I sighed a breath of relief and noticed Ron stumbling up to Harry.

"What the bloody hell was that?" he asked directly to Harry.

Fred spoke up as the room became quiet at the awkward encounter. "Alright, everyone, go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all of you nosy sods listening in."

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