4- Jealousy, Jealousy

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I pulled my hand from Draco's head after ruffling his hair, as he repeated his last sentence.

"I love you, Y/n. I love you so much," he mumbled while grabbing me and pulling me closer to him.

I gasped for breath but it seemed as if all the oxygen was taken from the world. He wrapped his arms around me and quickly fell asleep while I was left utterly speechless.

"I love you too, Malfoy," I whispered.

He groaned and fell asleep while I wracked my brain for most of the night.

I was pushed to the side as Draco stormed into the bathroom. I must've fell asleep because the dorm was pitch black and I was groggy.

Draco made it to the restroom to puke out his guts while groaning miserably. I walked in and he looked at me for only a few seconds before turning away. I then sat on the floor next to him and he smirked at me funnily once he was finished wiping off his mouth with a cloth.

"Why are you smirking, Malfoy?"

"Did I do anything stupid last night?"

I became frantic and looked around the bathroom to avoid his intense eye contact.

"Well, uh — er — sort of."

He nodded and I quickly turned red while finally looking back over to him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and began speaking once more. "Enlighten me, darling."

I took in a deep breath. "You told me — you said — uh — you just announced your love for plaid pants."

"I suppose that isn't too bad. Anything else?"

"No," I lied.

"Are you sure? It looks like you've got something to say."

I looked at him. "Malfoy — I."

He waited for me to continue while lightly shaking my shoulders.

"Never mind."

He frowned but quickly lunged towards the toilet to let out whatever was left in him.

I turned my face to avoid his embarrassment until he sat back against the wall and fell asleep extremely easily. I leaned against his shoulder and fell asleep as well, until the morning.


The next morning past quickly. As did the rest of the month and the first weeks of October.

Classwork piled up, students gained mass stress, and talk of the tournament spread madly. The trio was extremely welcoming and I met up with them in the kitchens frequently. Draco informed me that Quidditch was officially cancelled, causing me to become extraordinarily upset, as I was planning on trying out and competing fiercely against the Gryffindors.

"There's always next year," Harry repeatedly told me every time I brought it up.

I never told Draco what he said the night of Hermione's party, out of pure fear that he didn't actually mean it, or that I wouldn't physically be able to say it back again.

"Ready for transfiguration?" Draco asked while sitting on my bed and watching me get ready on the mid-October morning.

"One minute," I urged while tying my tie.

He walked over and pulled me in by the tie, giving me an ardent kiss.

I smiled as he pulled away and finished tying the stubborn article of clothing. He stood and waited.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now