5- Avoidance

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I was currently snogging Draco. After our fight on the quidditch pitch he followed me into my dorm and I couldn't resist.

After just a second, I realized how stupid I was being so I pulled away from him, breathing heavy and growing annoyed again.

"We can't just snog, Malfoy. It's not solving our problems," I said.

"It's solving mine," he murmured.

"Can we just talk about this? Can we talk about how I've lost your trust by simply hanging out with other people?"

"It's my jealousy! I've told you numerous times and it's much better than bottling it up. There isn't an issue, I'm just being extra protective." He leaned in but I pushed him back.

"I don't want you to protect me! I just want to live my life normally without anybody pestering me and trying to keep me safe. I am completely capable to taking care of myself."

Draco scoffed. "What do we do about this because we are continuously repeating ourselves during these fights."

"I don't know, Malfoy! This is all because of your hero-complex! I don't understand what you want me to do about your own jealousy! If I want to hang out with Harry and Cedric then I am going to."

"Fine," he said.


"We need a break," I whispered after a moment of silence and deathly stares aimed towards one another.

"What is a break? Don't you dare tell me that we are breaking up when you know that won't solve a damn thing either."

"I'm not breaking up with you. I am simply saying that we both need some time to ourselves to regroup and once we feel ready than we will began hanging out normally again," I explained.

"So this is it? We are walking away and hoping that we will magically get better. Great idea," he muttered.

"WE NEED THIS! Can you not see how much we fight anymore?"


With that last word, he walked out of my dorm, leaving me alone and numb. I kicked my dresser and it wobbled. I sighed and plopped down on my bed, screaming into my pillow.

As my anger rose, Pansy walked in and noticed me laying face down, having a moment of annoyance, anger, and a plethora of other emotions.

"What happened to you?" she asked jokingly, although I wasn't at all in the mood for any jokes.

"We are taking a break," I mumbled into my pillow before sitting up and facing Pansy.

"You guys are done?"

"No, we are just taking a few days or weeks even to clear our heads and rid ourselves of the jealousy and constant fights."

Pansy nodded and patted me on the shoulder solemnly while heading into the bathroom to shower.

I groaned and walked to the kitchens, seeing Harry in the barstool, head down, and hands rubbing his face as if he was stressed.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked while sitting next to him and putting my own worried look on my face.

"Oh, just tired," he mumbled. "How about you? You look quite rough as well."

I let out a light chuckle and took a deep breath before explaining everything to Harry including Cedric's friendliness and Draco's unnecessary jealousy, resulting in a small break.

He nodded and wrapped his hand around my shoulder out of comfort. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we both looked ahead, our minds filled with variant thoughts.

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