8- Second Choice

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Morning crept up after an eventful night. My dream made the night remarkable. After having quite a interesting day, my mind was filled with thoughts of Draco and his familiar touch that I hadn't experienced in quite some time after his letter.

During the dream, Draco had a hold of my hand tightly and we walked through a random Muggle city together. As we watched all the other couples and people in the crowd, we ignored them and made our way to a small coffee shop. My hair was blowing in the wind so Draco took a moment to stop and push it behind my ear, causing my stomach to flutter tremendously and my face to heat up.

After that cute occurrence, he led me to the glass table on the patio of the elegant coffee shop. We sat down, sipped our drinks, and kissed after chatting. If only I woke up, it would've been considered a nightmare, but it wasn't — and I didn't want to admit it. Not to anyone. Not to myself.

It was now morning. I was rushing around my room dressing and brushing out my matted hair. Pansy stood in the doorway with her arms crossed, waiting impatiently.

"Okay! I'm done," I said while letting out a loud sigh and grabbing all of my belongings before rushing out of the door to catch up to Pansy, who had already decided to began walking to breakfast.

"You are always late," she complained.

"I know that."

"You've got to sit with us today!" Pansy urged, ignoring my snarky comment.

I became frantic, thinking of sitting next to Draco for breakfast and in multiple classes after our kiss in the cupboard and my vivid dream.

"Please, we have things to discuss."

I finally agreed, strictly thinking about her feelings instead of mine.

She giggled in excitement as we entered the large dining room. I reluctantly sat next to Draco, my breath speeding up and memories of the kiss flashing through my mind.

I sat down and reached for my goblet, although shaking terribly, and suddenly, I spilt it on the table. I then used my wand to clean up the mess as Blaise sent me a knowing smirk.

I composed myself quickly while Draco shot me an unreadable glance.

"Hagrid let slip a few details of the camping trip for care of magical creatures, but he said he will give us the full details today," Pansy informed the three of us.

"What has he let slip?" I questioned, carefully sipping my drink.

"There will be tents, campfires, and he is not the only professor attending."

I nodded and went back to eating, trying my best not to throw sarcastic smiles every time Draco joined in on the conversation.

Dinner ended shortly afterwards and we all separated to head to class.

While in defense against the dark arts, Draco fell asleep and I felt myself grinning at him but immediately wiped it off my face as I realized what I was doing.

"Dismissed!" Mad-Eye angrily yelled, visibly wanting us to get out of the room for unknown reasons.

I smacked Draco with my large textbook and he jolted awake, rubbing his shoulder dramatically.

I simply walked away from him and became elated for more details on this camping trip coming up.

"Gather round!" Hagrid demanded.

Once the Gryffindors and Slytherins were huddled up around Hagrid, he gave us details for our trip.

"Most of yer know the rumors that been goin' round. These are true! There'll be a campin' trip comin' up soon. I'll have a list of yer necessities ter pack. Fer the details, it's all four Hogwarts houses attendin', I'll be settin' up tents, we will have fire, and Professor Snape volunteered ter be a supervisor alongside me."

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