12- Task One

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The first task was just a day away. Harry and I were off during all hours of the day after classes, coming up with ideas on how to battle a dragon.

Night crept up quick. Harry and I were sitting in the dark Slytherin common room.

"How about transfiguring something to distract the dragon?" I proposed.

"I'm not too good at transfiguration but we're getting better at the ideas."

"Okay, can you somehow get the egg to come to you using accio?"

"Accio?" He mumbled. "Brilliant. You're absolutely brilliant!"

He jumped up and paced back and forth mumbling to himself while his hand rummaged through his already-messy hair.

"Does that mean you can do it?"

"No, you don't understand! I can use accio to get my broom! Then fly over the egg and swiftly grab it before the dragon catches me. I'm great at flying and I'll have my wand — it's absolutely brilliant!"

"Harry, you're bloody amazing!"

He smiled brightly and tackled me in a hug. I hugged him back tightly until he pulled away to continue planning.

"I've just got to use the spell correctly which is the problem. I've better practice now."

I nodded and for hours I helped Harry with the wand movement and spell. He couldn't do it at all at first until I gave him motivation and confidence. His ego was boosted soon after and he was able to just barely do the spell, but as time went on, the practice paid off and he performed accio perfectly.

I clapped as he did it for the last time and informed him that I had to get to bed for a good nights rest before a stressful next day.

"I just want to say thanks for helping me, it means a lot. Especially because Hermione and Ron wouldn't have done it if I asked — at least I don't think they would. Thanks anyway," he said, as a replacement of goodbye.

"No problem, you're my friend, of course I'll stay up to help you."

He smiled and pulled me into another small hug, picking me up slightly and twirling me once before setting me back on the ground.

I laughed tremendously and he waved goodbye, heading out of the common room and getting his beauty sleep before one of the biggest days of his existence.

"Well, well, look what we've got here."

I spun around and saw Draco entering the common room from the boys dormitory.

"Why are you up?" I asked sternly.

"Pansy and Blaise are still making out so I wanted to get out of the room. I'm still not sure why they didn't just go to your dorm, seeing as you've been playing around with Potter all night," he said, stepping closer to me with every word he spoke.

"Playing? I've been helping him for the tournament tomorrow, but thanks for your input."

"You're welcome, love."

He was close to me and soon after, he was towering over me, resulting in my breath to become more staggered than usual.

"Want to tell me what's got you all unnerved?"

"Nothing," I whispered.

"I'm either sensing that you still get flustered around me or it's just the leftover nerves from the famous Harry Potter."

"It's actually neither of them, I'll have you know. I'm not flustered or unsettled in any way. Now if you'll excuse me, I should really get to sleep. There is a lot going on tomorrow and I would like to be energized."

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