7- The Familiar Snogging Cupboard

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I stood in the bathroom for several minutes before walking out and heading to transfigurations class.

As I entered the classroom, Draco was already sat down. I sat in my permanent seat next to him without saying one word. He was reading out of his textbook as I scooted away from his chair as far as possible.

His cologne floated around the air, causing me to only breath out of my mouth, attempting not to smell him and receive unwanted flashbacks.

My plan did not work and I began choking after feeling a tingling sensation of his aroma in my throat. I subtly coughed into my arm while mumbling something to myself.

Draco looked at me curiously for a moment but went back to reading. I pulled out my own book and tried to glance at the page he was on but as I scooted extremely far away, I couldn't make it out.

He glanced at me again and I turned away, staring at the bookshelf that brought me memories of Draco and my detention after chucking a rat at each other in third year.

When I knew that he was done looking at me, I attempted once more to glance at the page and he caught me. Instead of making his usual witty remark, he simply pushed the book over to let me glance at the page number.

I quickly looked at it and flipped to the page in my own textbook, not once peeking at Draco for the remainder of class.

When transfiguration was over, I went to herbology, thankfully, all alone with no Draco to bother me or simply sit there and look at me as though I was an interesting historical statue.

Professor sprout introduced the class to bubotuber pus. Neville recited the entire paragraph word by word out of the textbook - strictly by memory - and Gryffindor earned ten points. I smiled at Neville and he sent me a thumbs up while facing the herbology teacher.

"Pus from this slug-like plant helps heal acne," I said, remembering reading about it when I went through my plant phase.

Professor sprout smiled sentimentally, most likely knowing deep down that I was distracting myself from Draco because apparently the word of our separation got around quickly after spilling the beans to Hagrid.

"Does anyone know the effects of this when in contact with unprotected skin?"

I raised my hand along with Neville and she called on me.

"If the pus is undiluted then unprotected skin will be affected in unintended ways."

She clapped at my correct answer and for the rest of class, we went around collecting the pus from the plant and gathering it in a large jar, planning to see it in action on a student who volunteers next time we meet for class.

For the time being, I made my way to the library to finish up some transfiguration homework after being verbally dismissed from herbology.

I was about to sit down at a table but I looked to my right and Draco was sitting there, finishing his homework as well. I simply walked out of the library until he noticed me.

I was making my way down the hall and his footsteps clomped closer and closer each second from right behind me.

My shoulder was grabbed by the back and I was spun around, now directly facing Draco, wanting to feel his silky lips on mine but knowing I couldn't out of pure common sense.

"You don't have to avoid me. I got the letter and I realize how mad you are but you aren't the only one upset," Draco said, trying immensely hard to be careful with his words and not cause me to lash out on him.

"You got the letter? That's wonderful! It takes away from everything that you said to me! Thanks a lot for informing me," I sarcastically said while turning my back just to be gripped again.

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