16- Waltzing and Waists

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The days flew by, rumors of a dance now confirmed.

Breakfast arrived and Dumbledore made an announcement, instructing us all to sit at our house tables and listen intently.

"Rumors have been spreading, robes and dresses have been passed out, and now it is our duty to inform you what will be occurring this winter break at Hogwarts. There will, indeed, be a dance, as guessed by many. I regret to inform all of the third years and under that you are not eligible to attend unless invited by an older student themselves. It is tradition of the Triwizard tournament and you will be taught how to dance by your head of houses. They will be giving you more information when the time comes. First dance lessons start after dinner tonight and will continue until further notice. I advice that you all attend or you'll simply make a fool of yourself."

Many younger students groaned but all of the fourth years and up celebrated.

I turned to Draco who began speaking to me. "This is going to be quite interesting."

"I assume you'll be taking your secret girlfriend. Or is she still not ready to go public?"

He scoffed. "That's none of your business."

"I guess we'll see when we get there."

"I guess we will."

I huffed quietly and turned to face Blaise.

"Y/n, do you have an issue?"

"Do I have an issue? Yeah, Malfoy I'm so obsessed with you that I can't eat anymore. My stomach is churning out of longing for you to ask me to the dance because I love you so much."

"You used to," he muttered.

I sighed. "Merlins beard."

"What now?"

"Are you serious?" I began. "Why do you always have to bring our past up? Go run along with your girlfriend that you're so fond of! I don't care anymore, Malfoy."

"You never cared," he said, standing up and walking to transfiguration class.

I sighed, following after him to get to class.

"I can't believe you," I said, shoving past him and taking my seat.

A few seconds later he sat down next to me, looking around the room to completely avoid me.

"You know —"

"— I don't care. Whatever is that you have to say, it's not going to change my perception of you. You'll always be the guy who broke up with me and you have to deal with that."

"And Potter is the solution, right?"

"Merlin, Malfoy! The jealousy is still there even when we're broken up. Get. Over. Me."

"I have a girl."

"Then act like it!"

McGonagall travelled around the room, silencing and supervising us as we did our work. She stopped at the pair of us.

"Mr. Malfoy, I suggest you stop desperately staring at Y/n and get back to your work," she said before turning on her heel and walking back to her desk, scoping the room and then professionally sitting down.

"What an amazing woman," I mumbled, grinning widely at my own remark.

Draco's discomfort was extremely predictable, even before he began shifting uncomfortably or muttered curses under his breath.

"Oh, Draconis, are you embarrassed?"


I shot him a villainous glare then continued my work from my textbook. As I finished, Draco did as well and I snatched his paper, turning it in for him kindly.

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