21- Finn's First Day

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January approached and school returned as usual. I was sitting in the common room with Pansy, waiting for Draco and Blaise to come down and head to breakfast with us.

"What's taking them so long?" I asked.

"They're probably gossiping about us," she simply replied.

I laughed and noticed Draco and Blaise finally emerge from the staircase after what felt like an eternity of waiting.

We all walked down to the great hall but Professor McGonagall stopped us abruptly in the hallway.

"Ms. L/n, would you be willing to come with me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and then widened them in realization.

"Right now?" I choked out.

"Yes, are you prepared?"

"No. Well, I suppose."

I said goodbye to my friends, but after Draco insisted on coming with, I finally gave in to his pleads. We walked to McGonagall's office, my nerves becoming stronger as each step brought us closer.

"Mr. Malfoy and I will stay out in the hallway and if you'd like either of us accompany you inside just ask."

I nodded and opened the door, taking a deep breath. A boy with brown hair and brown eyes, sat comfortably on the couch. His legs sprawled across the floor; he was clearly tall.

He turned his head as he saw me and put a small smile on his face and hopped up, wiping his hands on his dress pants. I returned a smile with a nervous laugh as well, standing awkwardly by the door.

"Y/n, right?"

I nodded. "Finn?"

"I've been waiting forever for you," he finally said, chuckling, sighing, and pulling me in a hug.

I stood still, not understanding exactly what was going on.

"Can you explain everything?" I asked, pulling away from the hug and sitting directly across from him in the soft sofa.

He smiled slightly and nodded. "I knew about you all along. I was living in the basement and I was instructed to never walk upstairs in our household unless specifically told to. I also was informed that I was a disgrace for absolutely no reason which is another reason I stayed in my room. I knew Eleanor vaguely as well, as I'm sure you're eager to hear. I know what happened to her and I realize you probably blame yourself everyday — especially since my — our parents — began treating you awfully. And so, I finally ran away when I turned eleven after our parents stated that I couldn't go to Hogwarts, giving me absolutely no explanation for as to why. My oldest sister died, my parents verbally abused me, and I never even met you. In my mind there was no reason to remain. Following my escape, I stayed in abandoned houses for years until I recently got a letter. I remembered I had living sister, you. Our parents told me that you were in Hogwarts — making me immensely jealous — and that bad things were going to happen this year. They then asked if I would come back and protect you after everything."

I stood, flabbergasted by his story. "You knew about me? And our parents told you to come back this year to protect me? What's going to happen here?"

"I know it's a lot of information, but yes, I knew about you all along. If I tried to find you but they would threaten me with spells — I never knew the severity then, but that changed after lots of studying on my own. I've studied every lesson since first year, that's why they have allowed me to stay in my regular year. And yeah, our parents owled me and asked to keep you safe, although I have no bloody idea what is going to happen. The point of coming back was to meet you and protect you from whatever is occurring. So, here I am."

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