Chapter 17

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The next day, I don't leave the flat. I can't remember the last time I was this hungover. Note to self: don't mix champagne, cocktails and whatever the hell else I was drinking.

I have just dragged myself out of my room and I am slowly making my way down the short hallway to the kitchen, in search of some greasy food that will make me feel better, when my phone pings in the pocket of my hoodie. When I see the name on the screen, I can't help but smile.


You feeling ok after last night?


What do you think?

Going off the sarcasm, I'm going to say no

You would be correct

I'm just about to make myself a disgustingly unhealthy breakfast

and take some painkillers

I think there's something in the air this morning, because not 2 minutes after Rory's first text comes in, I receive another.


Hey Addy, how's your head this morning?

Was I really that drunk that everyone is feeling the need to check up on me? I didn't think I was.


This hangover is a bitch

How are you?

I'm good thanks, just wanted to check on you and hammer out the details for dinner tomorrow

Dinner? Sorry, what?

We planned dinner?

Yeah haha, last night? Do you not remember?

I'm too embarrassed to say no, because I don't want to let on that I can't remember parts of my evening.

Oh yeah, I remember now, where were you thinking?


Uh oh. Carlo's is one of the fanciest restaurants in the resort. And any idiot can work out that fancy restaurant + boy + girl = date. Damn it, why did he have to ask me when I wasn't thinking clearly?

Fancy - is there a special occasion?

Nah, I just feel like treating my favourite girl

Oh fuck. There's no way you can misinterpret that. I mull it over before I reply.

Aw, I'm honoured Felix

You should be. Does 8 work for you?


Perfect ;) see you at work tomorrow x

See you then!

It's ok to keep my options open, right? I haven't made a commitment to Rory, and I wasn't planning on making one, so it's fine. No harm done.

I wish I hadn't agreed to this date. I've been regretting it for the past 24 hours, and it hasn't even happened yet. I had to keep it a secret from everyone, especially Mabel, because I knew the type of reaction I would get. Luckily, Mabel is back in Vancouver, so she'll have to drive an hour and a half to murder me when she finds out.

I like Felix, I really do, he's just not my ideal partner choice for a dinner date. But I would have felt so bad turning him down, especially when he said that I had already agreed at my party. My New Year's resolution is going to be stop being such a pushover.

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