Chapter 9

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The next morning, I'm still questioning Hallie about her talk with Chase as we walk over to the hotel. We're saying bye to Mabel this morning, because she's going back to college for her winter exams before the Christmas break officially begins.

Hallie wouldn't give much away last night, just that the talk went well, and I had already deciphered that from the way she was skipping around the flat before she went to sleep. I doubt she even got any sleep, she was that excited. I'm gradually wearing her down for details, though.

"So, after you told him about what happened to you, what was his reaction?"

"Well, I was crying by the time I had finished my story, so he just hugged me for a while. Then when I calmed down, he said that he understood why I had been weird about making it official and that he was sorry I had to go through that, and that he would never hurt me. Oh, and that there was no pressure to define things between us."

"I knew you didn't have anything to worry about! Do you feel relieved now?"

"So relieved. And I was up all night thinking about it, and I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend, officially."

"No way! Oh, Hals, I'm so proud, this is such a big step for you," I gush.

"I know, I'm so happy," she says, her whole face crinkling up into a smile.

"How are you going to do it?"

"We're going skiing after we've said bye to Mabel, and I'm going to do it then."

I do a little happy dance through the snow, because I am genuinely overjoyed at how this is working out for her.

She laughs at me, saying, "Stop it! You're such a dork."

"Sorry, I just need to get all of my giddiness out before I start work. I've got to stay professional and not tell all of the restaurant guests about my friend asking her co-worker out."

"You just had to remind me about the co-worker thing, didn't you?"

"Oops," I say, grinning sheepishly.

"Do you think I should tell people at work?"

"I think they already know, Hals," I say, because their loving stares and quietly exchanged laughter are dead giveaways.



"Oh, okay, I guess we don't need to say anything then."

"No, they'll probably be able to work it out when you walk into work holding hands with the boy."

"That will definitely not be happening. We're not that into PDA."

"You sort of are," I counter.

"Shut up! If you and Rory bothered to admit your feelings for each other, I bet you would be all over each other in public."

"Me and Rory do not have feelings for each other. End of story. Look, there's Mabel," I say to stop her from progressing the argument further when we enter the lobby and I spot Mabel sat on one of the grand leather sofas, her suitcase resting on its wheels next to her.

She looks up from her phone when we approach, saying, "Hey! What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I was being interrogated on the way here," Hallie says, giving me a pointed look.

"What? I needed answers," I defend myself.

"And so do I! Did it go well with Chase, then?"

"Amazingly well, he was so understanding."

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