Chapter 25

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The first face I see when I walk in the big double doors of the hotel is the one I would prefer to avoid for the rest of my life. Felix is carrying Christmas crackers for the dinner service across the lobby, and when he sees me come in, he grins at me and says, "Hey Addy, Merry Christmas," as if he hasn't singlehandedly ruined my relationship. I may also be to blame, but I would prefer to direct all my anger at someone else right now. It is Christmas after all, and I need to give myself a break from my mental self-hate parade.

"Hi Felix," I say, and my tone is frostier than the weather outside. That's when he knows he's in trouble, and he picks up his pace as he moves towards the restaurant entrance.

When I enter the restaurant, watching him as he sets the tables, I notice a dark bruise on his cheek that I didn't see as I walked in. I might be sadistic, but it brings me joy that Rory did some damage to him as well. I would thank him if we were currently speaking to each other.

I take the tiny taste of happiness and run with it, wanting to get into the Christmas spirit before the customers start pouring in. I notice that we have an array of Christmas hats and headbands with bobbles on in the corner of the room, so I go to pick one out. I decide on the classic option of a Santa hat, and secure it with bobby pins that I always keep handy. As long as I am wearing this hat, I will not let Felix dampen my mood. I will put on my best smile for the customers and get hella tips, so I can buy me and Hallie a fancy bottle of gin and we can drink it at home tonight. I can do this.

The lovely people seated in my section of the restaurant today have been keeping me in good spirits so far, making stupid jokes to get a laugh out of me. I even got to take a little break to scoff down some leftover turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Christmas makes me feel like I'm at home, sat round the dining table with Mum and Dad, playing trivia games that would have us in fits of laughter, because Mum would never know any of the answers, so she would make stupid answers up on the spot instead.

"Addy, can I talk to you for a second?" My thoughts are rudely interrupted by none other than Felix. And I'd managed to avoid him for the three hours that I'd already been here.

"Actually, Felix, I'm busy. I need to check on my tables."

"You checked on them just now, they're fine. And Sophie can help if they need anything. Please, I only need a minute of your time," he pleads.

I survey my section, desperately searching for a raised hand that is waving me over, wanting something, but everyone is satisfied, chatting and laughing amongst themselves.

"Fine, one minute." I make sure that my tone is biting, so he knows I will not stand for any of his shit.

"Let's go to the storeroom," he says, and leads the way across the restaurant. Our movement catches Sophie's eye, and she looks at me and tilts her head as if to say, "You okay?" and I nod curtly in response.

Felix opens the door to the storeroom and lets me enter first. The long, cramped room is lined with shelves, full to the brim with food and supplies. I lean casually against the racking, propping one foot up against the shelf behind me, trying to exude an air of nonchalance that I am not feeling. Felix shuts the door gently behind him and turns to me, fidgeting with his hands in an act of nervousness.

"So, I assume Rory told you that we were involved in an altercation the other night."

"Yes, he told me, as I was cleaning up his wounds," I say, ready for the denial that is bound to be thrown my way.

"I needed you to hear my side of the story," he starts, hesitating, planning his words out carefully in his head.

"Which is?" I prompt impatiently.

A Season of FirstsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ