xxxxviii. my world

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TW- mentions of death 

(disclaimer this is just s story and i have no idea where this idea came from but i just went with it when the idea came. so enjoy ig)

My world

I saw this girl

While I was exploring the world

She made my stomach swirl

She was once my world

Especially when she twirled

She unfurled her dark brown curls

Someone had the nerve to hurt my world

It made me want to hurl

I had to stand by and observe

What happened to her was obscured

It took me awhile to confirm

But she deserved the world

Even with all the burns

That came along with what life called a curse

My world came down when she joined the earth

My eyes start to blur

All I want to do now is join her


here is another one of my not so favorites and I have hit 100 notes of just poems.... that seems a little sad cause its only been a little over a month since I started writing but idc anymore.

~xx hollyandmax:)

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