Chapter 14: forbidden forest

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From here on for a bit, I'm going to do it from third person POV. :)

Her steps got slower as she walked through the halls, feeling an odd sense of dread.

She always dreaded seeing him yet she had no reason for why except his rudeness. sarcasm. intimidating power. Maybe she did have reasons. But what she couldn't understand was she also enjoyed seeing him.

Yes she has a crush on him but she still doesn't get it.

Her mind began to drift into thinking of the amortentia.

she knew she fancied Snape. It was sad but. True.

But he wasn't the one she desired. He wasn't true love. He was a silly teenage crush. she knows that.


That's what she thinks.

Amaya approached the large wooden doors and knocked, awaiting a response. Surprisingly there was no response at all. no calming era to the air.

she knocked once more.

"professor Snape?" amaya spoke loudly, hoping he'd hear her.

She frowned.

Slowly her hand met the doorknob and she opened the door ever so lightly. The room was darker than usual due to winter hours. There were a few candles scattered about but not many.

She walked into the empty classroom and glanced around.

There were papers and ink on his desk but not him. How odd. She slowly made her way to his office door and lightly knocked.

"Professor Snape?" she spoke once more, opening that door too.

Her eyes caught the well too known figure who's head was on his desk.

She smiled softly to herself and went to wake him but quickly stopped, knowing better than to wake her moody potions professor.

Something on the desk caught her eye as she slowly approached though.

A piece of parchment that read Ingredients from Forbidden Forest to collect with Amaya Verula.

She assumed that was the plan for this lesson and carefully picked up the parchment.

At the bottom it said urgent.

He really needed these things but she didn't want to wake him.

Amaya glanced around the room and smiled slightly to herself as she found a crochet blanket laying over a velvet arm chair.

She grabbed the blanket and softly placed it over the potions master.

As she went to leave, her eyes caught on his sleeping face.

There was no tension, no anger, no pain. His face was calm and at peace.

She tilted her head softly.

His breaths would gently hit against some paper on his desk, lifting the corners every so slightly.

She smiled to herself. He was truly beautiful.

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