Chaper Forty-two. History in the Making.

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Sean and Luke walked back in just as Sang was out of earshot. "We just passed Victor and Sang on the stairs. Have you told everyone what happened yesterday?"

"I just finished." Owen told Sean while pointing to the horrified faces on all the boys.

"Oh, yes. I see. I just explained to Luke downstairs and I'll pull Victor aside once they come back from feeding Xavier."

"Which reminds me Mr Blackbourne," North interjected "No offence and all but when are you planning on taking that beast home?"

"I had planned on last night actually, Mr Taylor. Mr Xavier, unfortunately had other ideas and strenuously objected to being parted from Miss Sorenson. As I didn't wish to disturb Miss Sorenson from a much needed sleep, we decided it was best to leave him here in Miss Sorenson's charge."

"In other words, guys, the cat threw a tantrum worthy of a two year old. He started to make enough noise to wake the dead and tried to rip holes in the sheets when anyone other than Sang went near him. He totally spat the dummy and acted like the brat he really is." Sean grinned, totally ignoring his friend's glare.

"Apparently Miss Sorenson has won another heart, gentlemen. You may as well get used to seeing more of Mr Xavier. Because I think that will be happening. I admit I brought him here to see if he would help Miss Sorenson relax, but I miscalculated exactly how much he would love her."

"Well, we all adore her. Why wouldn't a poor, defenceless, harmless little cat!" Sean remarked cheerfully, as he grinned at everyone's disbelieving faces.

Becoming serious Sean continued "Actually guys, yesterday scared the bejesus out of both of us. Sang is usually very sensible and thoughtful of other people. She doesn't like people to worry about her. It was out of character to do what she did. So we need to keep an unobtrusive eye on her while she recovers."

Hearing muttered comments including "God." "Fuck." "Seriously." "Jesus." "You think!" "What the fuck!" and "We need a tracking device." Mr Blackbourne stepped in quickly. "Just try not to smother her and, yes, I realise how hard that will be in view of recent events. Just do your best, that's all we ask."

Mr Blackbourne stopped quickly as Victor and Sang arrived back. "Is Mr Xavier content now Miss Sorenson?" He continued smoothly without pause and smiling softly at Sang.

"He's such a happy cat, isn't he, but I think he's tired." Sang replied nodding happily and oblivious to the derisive snorts as she went to take Xavier to the bedroom. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Sang missed lunch, didn't she?" Kota asked quietly, watching her take the world's smuggest and most spoiled cat away.

"Don't worry Kota. We'll give her ten minutes and then someone can go fetch her. All we have to do is remember not to upset her in any way. She's gone nearly 18 hours with no headache or upset. I've noticed confusion, lack of focus and a short attention span at times, but that's still an improvement." Sean replied.

Sitting on the lounge after dinner Sang looked around and grinned. "So whose turn is it share their childhood video tonight?"

"Nothing could possibly beat your movie, Aggele mou. You made us look like boring little choir boys." Silas said grinning as Sang giggled. "Are you going to open the rest of your boxes?"

After opening an old microscope of her Grammy's, Sean broke in to Sang's thoughts. "What's the significance behind the microscope, Sang?" He asked curiously.

"I'm not really sure Sean. Grammy and I used to mess around with stuff and used it a fair bit, and I had a little one that I used to read and decode the messages from Grammy. You know the ones she would leave me inside Mr T." She said grinning seeing everyone's confusion. "We worked out one Summer to print onto clear plastic then heat it so it shrunk. Grammy could fit more onto the message that way."

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