Part Twenty-two. Year Three, part two.

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Year 3. Part 2.

"Your grandparents tried to keep you with them sweetheart. That's a beautiful memory to have." Sean said gently wiping tears from Sang's face.

"Mm. I sort of wish Grampa had left that off this film to be honest." She sighed, letting Xavier climb onto her lap and cuddling him under her chin.

"Miss Sorenson, it's important for you to remember how very much they wanted you. It's like our family now. We all want you with us. Very much. Every single one of us will understand how your grandparents felt." Mr Blackbourne said gently, tucking a curl behind her ear.

"Thanks Mr Blackbourne. It doesn't make it easier to hear that conversation over again though. Grampa was very angry when he came back from Illinois. I'd only seen him like that once before."

Seeing they were both curious Sang cut them off quickly. "That's a story for another day."

Nodding, Sean started laughing "I'm seriously tempted to ask about your bucket list Pookie. Especially after seeing your reaction to your Grampa's 'lame' list. Nice moves on the, um, dance floor by the way."

Ignoring Mr Blackbourne's pained expression at the thought of dancing on such an old and magnificent table, Sang started laughing. "Can't talk about it unless you sign the Code first."

"You know he was lucky he really did have tickets to the symphony. Grammy was not happy about that. She knew it was all his idea too. She said my ideas were way more inventive." Sang started giggling again.

"So, do we get to see any part of your list in action Miss Sorenson?"

Sang picked up the DVD cover and read it. "We do. Coming up later this year." Sang shook her head, and kept on giggling much to Sean's amusement, and hit the start button.

Headaches and Fishponds.

Grammy walked into the kitchen at 2 am unable to sleep and needing a cool drink, only to find Sang lying on the kitchen bench with her knees raised and one arm over her eyes.

"Rose? What are you doing up? What's wrong!"

Sang raised her arm slightly to look at her Grammy. "Oh hey Grammy." Sang said quietly, lifting her other hand and showing the thermometer she had just used. "I had a little headache, so I came down for a tablet. I've got a small temperature too. No biggie." She said nonchalantly.

"What! You're not feeling well! Why on earth didn't you come and get me or Grampa?"

"Why Grammy?" Sang said looking puzzled. "I know what to do if I'm not feeling well. I took my temperature. It's only a little high. So I took half a tablet from the medicine chest, had a cool drink and I was just lying here thinking. You don't need to worry about me I've got it sorted."

"I had a great idea too. We should build a fishpond for Grampa. I know he'd like one. He told me last year."

Grammy just looked at her little granddaughter in shock. "Yeah okay. Probably not the time to discuss that sweetie. After coffee remember?"

"More importantly you need to understand that in this house if you're not feeling well you tell someone. So if you're feeling sick or have a headache, or even if you fall over and need a bandaid, you tell me or Grampa. Okay Rosie?"

"Oh okay. Sorry. Um, will you be mad if I forget, Grammy? I'll try to remember but I'm sort of used to sorting it myself. I'm nearly 8 you know." Sang said earnestly.

Grammy sighed. "We won't be mad. We know you'll do your best to remember." Pulling Sang upright she said "Let's go to sleep kiddo. You can tell me your plan in the morning. Or at least during daylight hours. After coffee remember."

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