Chapter eight.

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Sang's POV

Kota and Gabe left Sean and I at Victor's house and took off with him to do whatever. I didn't bother asking. Because for absolutely no reason that I can think of I feel like crying again and found myself feeling upset because of it. Vicious cycle that!

I had been fighting off thoughts about my memories since I woke up and now I'm starting to panic about ringing Grandpa's oldest friend. I can't stop the thoughts coming back to me now and I'm definitely not ready to talk about what happened in Illinois after Grandpa's funeral. That really is a step too far at the moment. So I just sit here next to Sean, practicing relaxing breathing techniques which I didn't know I knew about before last night and get my head on straight so I can ring the man who holds the answers I need.

Sean's POV

I can see Sang starting to worry and stress about making the call. On top of getting her memory back she's dealing with concussion. I think she's actually holding up remarkably well. But everyone has a breaking point. I think the sooner Owen gets here the sooner she can make the damn call and we'll get this all sorted out.

If we have to wait for answers so be it. None of us are much good at waiting, Owen included, but if that's what we need to do then that's what's happening. I won't risk Sang's mental health for the sake of curiosity and impatience.

Before I can suggest we take a nap, because she is really fading fast Owen walked in.
Using a gentle voice I don't think I've ever heard him use before he asked Sang how she was feeling. Probably quite brave of him considering the last time he asked. It was no surprise when she said she was fine. I've never seen someone like Pookie for trying not to bother people with her problems.

Owen doesn't try and convince her to rest first. We can both clearly see she isn't going to do anything until she makes this call that she so desperately believes she needs to make, so she can connect all the dots in her mind and settle the confusion.

Sang's POV

"Miss Sorenson, if it becomes too hard for you we can take the call and explain what you want us to. Just remember we are here to support you and leaning on your family is not a weakness."

I nodded my understanding and sat there quietly between Mr Blackbourne and Sean just gently brushing my fingers over the phone thinking about what I needed to say.

Before my hands could start to shake I took a deep breath, leaned back, straightened up, put my phone on speaker and dialled.

Three rings is all it took to hear the dear voice I hadn't heard for so long.

"Hello. Peter Drummond....hello?"

"H.h.h.ello, Mr D?" I could feel Sean put his hand on my knee and squeeze gently but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the tears welling up.

"Who is this?"

"Um, it's Sang. Sang Sorenson. Oh sorry, it's um Rose Sorenson. Little Rose. Do you remember me? George and Mary's little Rose?" I stuttered.

"Oh God, Rosie! Is it really you? After so long! I was starting to think you would never contact me."

"Yeah. I'm sorry Mr D. I really am. I didn't remember I was supposed to." I sobbed.

"Are you okay little Rosie girl? What happened to you?"

"I'm okay. Or I will be okay Mr D. But, Um, Mr D I forgot everything, and I mean everything, about Grammy and Gramps and all those summers with them and I'm not sure if what I think I remember actually happened. If I ask about a few things can you tell me if I they happened or not. Please Mr. D. I really, really need to know." I begged him shakily as tears started to track slowly down my face.

There was silence for such a long time I began to think we had been disconnected before I heard him say "Little one, first off are you alone? Because I think you should have company right now?"

"Two someones actually, Mr D."

"Good. That's real good little Rose. Now, do you remember me telling you once if you needed anything to call me?"

"I didn't, but I do now."

"Well that day is today. Ask me whatever you need to. You know I'll tell you the truth."

Blowing out a deep breath and knowing Sean and Mr Blackbourne are going to be totally confused by this I asked

"Do you remember Sushi And bacon?"

"Oh yes. That was a fine day."

"4th July".

"Went off with a bang that did." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I started to relax realising I wasn't going crazy after all and smiled a little.


"You totally played George."

"I did not Mr D!"

"Well, from what I remember your Grandpa thought you did."

"Okay. Okay." I could sense the raised eyebrows on both sides of me. "This is the most important one: The Sunstone Chest." And I held my breath.

"Rosie, I've had it in my custody for you all this time. It will be a pleasure to hand it back to its rightful owner."

Hearing those words was like taking all the pressure off my brain, and letting me breath again.

"Mr D. I'm really after the tapes inside it. I don't know how to explain it all and I thought show would be better than tell."

I could feel myself start to flag suddenly but there was so much more I wanted to say.
It must have been obvious I was feeling unwell and tired and a whole lot emotional because Mr Blackbourne spoke up.

"Miss Sorenson, would you like us to take it from here? Would that be acceptable to you? We will make certain you speak to your Mr Drummond when you're feeling better."

I nodded my head gratefully knowing I only had minutes left in me before I crashed totally.

"Mr D? Um, I need to go for a little while. Can you talk to my friends please? I trust them. Just don't give out details of the tapes please. I want to surprise them. And yes, before you ask I'm okay. But I have a bossy friend who is a doctor and he's sitting here telling me to do something, I um forget what now." I muttered before Mr Blackbourne took my phone to talk to Mr Drummond and Sean picked me up and said I had just overdone it as usual.

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