Chapter seventeen. Year Two, part two.

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Year 2. Part 2.

"Bit of an oops moment with the roof. Poor Grammy and Grampa." Sang murmured quietly.

"I'm sure they were used to it by then Miss Sorenson. Didn't that break the Rules though?" Mr Blackbourne asked.

"No, Not really. It wasn't a great height to me." Sang shrugged. "Loopholes remember."

"Itching powder! Where DO you get your ideas, pumpkin?"

"I don't know Sean. They just pop into my head. Some I go with, some I ignore."

"Sang, just out of curiosity have you ever had IQ tests or anything done like that?"

"No way. Grampa said if any one wanted to start examining my brain to say no. He said I wasn't to be anyone's guinea pig. So if someone tried to get me within 10 miles of a CAT scan for any reason whatsoever to run and call him straight away."

"The same with written tests. If anyone other than Mr Jackson wanted me to do a test other than ordinary class ones I had to refuse and call Grampa. He was adamant about it. He said I was not a science experiment and no one was going to treat his granddaughter like a monkey in a laboratory."

"Okay. So he was definite about that. Do you know why?"


Seeing that was all they were getting out of her for the time being, Mr Blackbourne simply kept running the movie.

Knitting needles and Gun powder.

Walking into the kitchen from her early morning self defence class with Grampa, Sang suddenly stopped dead with a look of abject horror on her face.

There, sitting smack bang in the middle of the kitchen table, were two sets of knitting needles complete with wool and instructions on how to use them.

"What are those! And who are they for?" She gasped.

"I believe they're knitting needles for you and your Grammy sweetie." Grampa replied trying not to laugh.

"You are kidding! Right Grampa! This IS a joke right. Knitting. Me and Grammy. What is this, the Twilight Zone?"

"Don't you think it would be fun, sweetie?" Grampa snickered.

"NO. I rather read another physics book. Or, I don't know, eat a bowl of brussel sprouts. Anything but this." She announced glaring at her Grampa who could no longer control his laughter.

"Come on sweetie, it'll be fun."

"Then you do it. I'll go read a book or watch grass grow. It'd have to be better than this." Only stopping her rant when it suddenly occurred to her that maybe it was something her Grammy really, truly, actually wanted to do.

"Um, Grammy wants to do this?"

"Uh huh."

"Oh boy. Okay, I'm in. Don't you tell her what I said Grampa. I wouldn't want Grammy's feelings hurt. I didn't realise it meant a lot to her. I thought you were messing with me."

Half an hour later Sang was slouching slightly in her chair at the table watching her Grammy trying to get the wool to stay on the needle.

Slouching a little more and rolling her head slowly she picked up a needle and a piece of wool and began to gently run the wool through her fingers down the length of the needle thinking hard.

Contemplating the wool she suddenly looked at her Grammy. "So Grammy. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Everything's peachy, sweetie." Grammy said gritting her teeth.

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