Chapter Thirty-five. Silas.

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I could feel the tension rolling off North in waves when he collected me to go and drop the seats off. Total bullshit excuse, but I didn't care. I had wanted to see Aggele mou since yesterday, but she had been asleep when we got to Victor's house last night.

I don't know what's going on, and I'm not asking. I'll find out soon enough. Just so long as Aggele mou is okay. That's all I care about. All any of us care about really.

Aggele mou and I have come a long way since that whole mess last year. I need her, just as much as she needs me. We help each through a lot. She's become like my sounding board for a lot of things. I can talk to her about anything. Which for someone who doesn't usually have a lot to say is a big deal.

But when I think about it Aggele is a lot like me in some ways. She doesn't say much either. All I know is when she does talk I can't help but listen.

Waiting for North to reassure himself that Aggele mou is okay starts to grate a little. It doesn't usually. No, usually I can wait. Because Sang is definitely worth waiting a lifetime for.

But I need to see she really is okay for myself. Hearing it from Victor isn't the same. I need to see those eyes that bewitch me every time I see them. Just like magic.

Because Aggele mou became the magic in my life long ago. And I decide I need to make sure the magic in my life is well, and happy and still here. Now, to be precise. No more waiting.

Knocking loudly, North finally gets the message and I see Sang. The ball of tension I've felt in my gut since yesterday just disappeared. I think I was right and it really is just like magic. Then it occurs to me that that's the magic of Aggele Mou.

She makes everything about me better. And you want to be a better man for her. Because that's what she deserves. The best.

It's like the sun shines brighter when she's near. There is no darkness anymore with her in my life. Only light.

That makes sharing her time with my brothers bearable. Looking at her I know I could never break her precious heart by trying to take her away. We all love her.

I never thought I'd be okay with a situation such as the one we have found ourselves in. But one look at Sang and I know I'll do whatever it takes to keep her, that beautiful smile and my favourite sound around me forever.

Holding my arms out wide, she flies toward me like a homing pigeon, and I have to admit to feeling a little smug that Aggele thinks there's nothing as good as my hug. And just like that it's like there is sunshine in my life again.

I can see she's okay at the moment, and I remember to keep calm and quiet. Well, I don't have to make a sound kissing Aggele mou, so I do. Gotta do what the doc says after all.

Finally, I let her go enough to say "Hi Aggele." I know I'm grinning like a madman, but kissing Aggele is definitely my favourite way to start the day. Hearing her giggle just makes it complete.

"Hi Silas. Did you come with North?"

"Yep. We brought the bean bag chairs we collected last night over early. North's gone to collect Luke from the diner."

"Uh huh. Well, I'm glad you came early. I like your hugs."

"Anytime Aggele mou you know that." I grin cheekily, picking her up and sitting on the fancy chair in the corner.

"Hey Silas can I ask you to promise me something?" Seeing me nod curiously Sang continued. "Silas, will you promise me to try not to be angry or disappointed with me today when you see my home movie? Or to hit anyone? And if you could keep an eye on North I'd be happy. Please."

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