Chapter Thirty-three, Kota.

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All last night and now driving over here I've felt strange. Almost as if we're all on the edge of a precipice. I'm not sure if it's just me feeling this way or not. I know Nate and Gabe are anxious. But that's probably because we didn't see Sang last night.

I know I'm feeling an urgent need to count her fingers and toes. Just to make sure. I need to see her. Only I know just how desperately. She's the one. The one who makes me truly happy. The one I feel most passionate about.
I love my brothers. But Sang! It's a whole different feeling. She is special. She always has been.

She gives meaning to everything. Because that's what she does. She brought the meaning back into my life, and my brothers as well. Every single one of us has been affected by meeting Sang.

Before we met we had all become lethargic and listless about our work and our lives. Sang gave us heart again.

She brought sweetness, caring and hope to a group of guys who had never really had that. Not completely.

When we accepted her, that was it. She accepted us. She is simply the most amazing person I have ever met.

I don't know how she managed to stay so indomitable and full of hope considering what she lived through before we were lucky enough to find her.

And I know she has issues she's still dealing with. But they're a part of her and make her who she is. So I love them too. Every single piece of her.

Even that reckless streak, and that attitude she has of not worrying or even thinking of herself. I have never met anyone so selfless. She is my life.

So the sooner we get to Victor's place the better, because I can't take too much more. I need Sang, and I need her now.

I head straight to Victor's room. I knew where she was. Vic texted me to let me know. I know she was okay yesterday, but something is telling me all is not right, not yet. But I'll fix whatever I have to. Anything. For her. Only for her.

Seeing her being held by Silas doesn't bother me. Sometimes it would. It shouldn't, but sometimes it does. We're all only human I suppose, but today I'm happy to see her being held by my brother.

It doesn't hurt that her eyes lit up like candles when she sees me either, or that her smile is like an arrow through my heart.

I always want to put that look of happiness on her face I think as Silas hands her over to me with a wink.

"Good morning Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" I ask aloud as I pick up her hands and count her fingers idly, just to make sure, before hugging her tightly to me. I would happily never let her go.

Sang sighs with happiness. "I'm so pleased you're here Kota."

I can't help myself. Well, we're supposed to be honest, and honestly I'm not even trying to be the family lead. The sensible one. Not here. Not right now. And especially not when the love of my life runs her hands through my hair touching my ears.

Forget sensible. I need to kiss Sang. Now. Not in a minute or an hour. But right now. And, now I think about it, I am being sensible because I won't be able to concentrate on anything today until I do. So that's what happens. For a long, long time.

It's like I'm living again. Sang has that effect on me. When we're together it's as though there is no one else in the world. And for me there isn't.

Finally, Sang looks up at me with a heart melting smile. "Kota, are you still looking forward to watching my home movie? Even though I won't be here?" She asked quietly.

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