Chapter three.

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My head is killing me. Seriously. Death would almost be better than this. On my pain scale of one to ten I think I've reached over 100. What happened! I quickly close my eyes because that light is really bright and try to relax so I can think and remember. But, maybe that wasn't such a brilliant plan because all these thoughts come rushing back of someone, who I think was me and my grandparents.

Yeah. Trying to remember definitely wasn't a smart move because now I'm shaking, scared and trying really hard not to cry. And my headache just went through the roof. I hope Kota doesn't get mad at me but I am NOT going to school today. I'm not sure I can even sit up let alone stand, and my mind keeps swirling. I need help and it hurts to think. That's when I realize that it's not just my mind that hurts but my heart does too and I really do start crying.

Suddenly I feel arms circle me gently and I smell spring soap. Whoa. Wait. What? Spring soap! Oh this day just keeps getting better. On top of the headache from hell, and thoughts trying explode my brain, I now feel like I should be sitting up straight and looking perfect. Of course, this isn't a surreal dream. It never is. I've always tried to be a good person. What did I ever do to the cosmos to deserve this?

Ok, Sang. Get it together. You are overreacting. Just because your head hurts and there is a definite possibility you have lost your mind. You do NOT need to panic. Remember self pity is a bad look on anyone.

Before my internal pep talk fails I take a deep breath, slowly open my eyes, look up and say "Hello, Mr Blackbourne". Ok, my voice is a little wobbly but I did it. I quickly close my eyes again, because it really is bright in here and suddenly I wonder where 'here' is exactly.

"Miss Sorenson, are you feeling any better? Can you remember what happened?" I hear that perfect voice ask.


"The truth please, Miss Sorenson".

"Well, I wasn't planning on lying you know! I was merely trying to think how best to explain what happened."

I shut my eyes again in a flash. OH MY GOODNESS. I just snapped at Mr Blackbourne. It's official. I am crazy. Although part of me secretly thinks, hah, pushy much!

When I hear a chuckle from the other side of the room, I open my eyes this time to see Sean walking through the door. Thank goodness. Saved!

"Owen, I did warn you of the symptoms of concussion and shock." he chuckled when he saw the slightly surprised look on his friend's face. "Irritability being one them. Remember?".

"Don't mind Owen, sweetie, tell me how you're feeling now. You've been out for a little while. Can you remember anything from last night?" Sean continued his examination gently asking questions which didn't upset me for some reason and using his pesky flashlight which did. "You have concussion Pookie and you were in shock when we found you, but at least you didn't fracture that gorgeous head of yours" he flirted lightly trying to make me smile.

Concussion? Well that explains the headache but doesn't excuse my rudeness. So, I suck in another breath, along with a whole lot of courage, and apologise. Only to suffer yet another shock when Mr Blackbourne dismisses my apology saying he was at times impatient in his desire to help and fix things. Hmm. Maybe this is a surreal dream after all I tell myself.

Except, now I really feel guilty. He was trying to comfort me and help. I'm starting to think I'm not a good person at all considering that and everything my brain decided to forget. If it really did. There's one way for me to find out and I need my phone to do it.

Before I can explain what happened and what I need to do the door bursts open and in tumble the guys. All of them. And the increased noise level shoots straight through my brain.

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