Chapter 9: Friday fever

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Chapter 9

Friday fever


Why are Fridays so exciting?

Personally, I have no love for any of the days because, one, when you’re a senior, there’s no time to ‘relax’ because S.B.A’s for collage are eating up every second of your spare time. Two, because even if I did all I do home is sleep, eat, study, repeat. Three, I’d have a miserable weekend. Four, it’s only two decent days for yourself, only to have that wretched Monday to come back and start the cycle all over again. What was the point of looking forward for a day? It’ll come sooner or later won’t it?

Calm down, stop looking at the clock and trying to use some mental psychic powers on it so that it can magically go faster. We waste about eight hours of our lives doing it.

Right now everyone in my Biology class were anxiously tapping their feet in time to the ticking of the clock practically gluing their eyesight upon it. Some were either tapping their pencils or clicking their pens repeatedly, while others drummed the woodened desks with their fingers as our Biology teacher lechers about the different cells, tissues, organs, and systems in the human body not realizing that the clock was more interesting than her topic.

To be very honest, I was just imagining the class bursting into song singing something along the lines of ‘What time is it?! Friday time!’ to entertain myself.

“Man I can’t wait to get laid Saturday.” Some hormonal jock says to his friend directly in front of me.

“I know right?” the friend whispers. “I’m so getting some of Jessica LeRue. I hear that girl is awesome in bed.”

‘Ladies and Gents. The future of mankind.’ I  thought rolling my eyes at the comments exchanged between the two.

“I want to go hommmeeee.” Some whining girl beside me whimpers.

“I need my bed.” Another grumbles depressingly behind me.

‘Do these people know how to whisper these days?’

“Alright guys.” Mrs. Pastillo, our Biology teacher says, “To finish of the class I’ll be handing out the test you did last week.”

She gets up with a long irritated sigh with a bunch of papers in hand before saying. “I’m not going to call out any names, but half of you failed this very straight forward test, and I’m starting to worry about you all… some more than others.” Her eyes darted to the second farthest back, as everyone’s heads turn to that person.

Don’t tell me.’

“You know.” A chuckle emerges from where Nolan Drake sat, “It’s funny how you said you’re not going to call any names, but you’re practically screaming ‘Failure’ in my direction right now.”

“Mr. Drake. Don’t.” Mrs. Pastillo warns as she passes out the papers not looking anywhere near Nolan anymore. “Some of you aren’t going to pass this semester and it’s already October. Some of you are going to lose your extra curricular activities at school. And some of you are going to have a hard time graduating if you keep this up.”

“Sad isn’t it.” The hormonal jock states sarcastically in Nolan’s direction.

“Very.” Nolan answers with as much sarcasm dipping from his tone, making most of the class snicker with laughter as others just ignored what was happening, including me.


“That’s what happened?” Genevieve gasps as I told her about what happened in class today. Right now we were both sitting at the bleachers by the football field just behind the school. It was Friday so the school was empty in a matter of minutes but I had to stay back to wait for Mrs. Jazz to give me the questions for this weekend.  She should be free soon, so I was just hanging with Genevieve til then.

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