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I woke up from my dad yelling at me. "Wake up!" He yelled. I groaned as I checked the clock in my nightstand which reads 8:046.

I took a shower and did my skin care, then dried my hair then my make up and now am ready..... but not completely. I put on my outfit it was already ready from yesterday since I had to pack all my clothes because we are moving out.

I put on a purple baggy jeans and white top with a purple jacket and a purple bag. I rechecked my self before heading downstairs.

"There you are my princess." My dad said opening his arms for me to run into his embrace. He kissed my forehead. "You look stunning." He said pulling away.

" thank you dad." I smiled shyly. Wait why am I shy? Anyways. We hopped in the car as he started the car. " so, dad the girl your marrying you said she has one child?" I asked hoping it was a hot boy.

"Yes, she has a son his name...." He paused trying to remember. " I don't really remember but it's something like lion." He smiled.

I giggled. " lion?" I asked giggling more. " anyways what's the girl name? Is she kind? Will she be strict? If she did I would have that attitude." I warned.

He laughed. "Nope, she is so sweet you will love her I promise, when I told her about you I showed her a picture of you she almost teared about how beautiful you are." He said as I sighed.

" fine." I sighed trying to be more comfortable. It was an 4 hour ride so I decided to sleep.

I felt something or someone shaking me as I opened my eyes slowly. "Hey princess, we are almost there but I just stopped in here I wanted to get cake and a bouquet." He said.

" oh okay thank you for waking me up I need to check on my self." I smiled. He nodded with a smile as he left the car. I sighed really tired.

I checked on my makeup, my hair and my outfit and god for the first time I feel so confident and hot asf. Minutes passed, my dad came and we finally arrived.

" you didn't tell me their last names?" I said going to help him pick up bags.

" DiCaprio, iremelin and her husband got divorced so it's iremlin indenbirken and soon will be irmelin mendes." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag and waiting for him. He knocked 3 times on the door before a beautiful, blonde women opened the door.

"Ryan!" She exclaimed hugging him. " I missed you so much." She said still not pulling away. I stood there awkwardly.

" I missed you more beautiful." He said pulling away.

She looked at me still smiling. " and you must be aurora?" She asked.

" yes I am." I smiled. She went to hug me before he inviting us in.

" so aurora Leonardo, my son will come and lead you to you room, and you Ryan..." she pulled him by his arms. " come with me I have to show you some stuff I got." They left me here standing there like a dumb mozzarella stick.

Hmm so his name is leonardo? I don't think it's similar to lion. I chuckled before I felt a presence next to me.

" uhm hi?" Says a blonde boy who I guess is leonardo. As I wanted exactly..... a hot step brother.

" oh hi am supposed you are leonardo right?" I asked.

" yes, but call me Leo please." He said smiling. " your aurora my step sister right?" He asked. I just nodded. " Great is this only your bag?" I nodded. " okay follow me." He said holding my bag with him.

The house wasn't even house. It was a mansion. And boy am so lucky to live here. I smiled as he opened a room door, letting me to come in.

I smiled as I stepped in and I was speechless by how amazing my room was. It was big not that big but really big, it had a queen size bed, a walk in closet, a desk, a dresser, a bath which has a bathtub, a sink, and a place to get showered. It's covered with glass I don't know how to deceive it seriously.

" there is no way this is my room." I said.

He chuckled. " well believe it or not it is your room so unpack your stuff and decorate it like how you want, I will leave now so if you need anything then my room is across from yours." He said closing the door behind him.

I smiled as I started unpacking.

2 hours later and I finally finished decorating my room and everything. I decided to take a quick shower before anything. I grabbed a grey sweatpants and a Calvin Klein top, then after I dried my hair I made it a messy bun and left downstairs.

It took sometime to find the kitchen but anyways I finally found it. " there you are." My dad said hugging me.

" sorry I was lost." I giggled.

" well dinner is ready!" Irmelin aka my step mother or will be my step mother said. We all sat at the table and started eating.

" oh and aurora there is elevator you can use instead of the stairs." Irmelin said.

" it's okay am just in the second floor." I shrugged.

" whatever, you can still use it. Anyways like I told you...." She began talking to my dad. Leo was sitting right infront of me eating in silence.

As dinner finished I probably had to go and sleep. I said goodnight to all of them and went upstairs again. I sat in my bed just thinking about nothing but Leo.

30 minutes later and I didn't feel like sleeping. I sighed standing up deciding to go to Leo's. I stood in-front of a door hoping it's his room. I knocked 2 times softly before someone opened the door revealing him shirtless with just shorts.

I blushed a little as I stuttered. "I-I ju-just didn't w-want t-to uhm uh i uhm I- thought-"

" yes I understand you just let me put on a shirt I don't think your comfortable with me around you shirtless." He said going inside to put on a shirt.

" how would you say that?" I said going in slowly.

" your blushing." He said tabbing in the bed motioning me to sit next to him. I smiled accepting his offer. I sat next to him as we sat in awkward silence.

" so..." he said breaking the silence

" so, let's know each other more." I said.

" okay go ahead ask questions and we both answer it." He said.

" okay.... Favorite color?"

" dark green." He said.

" purple, light blue and you can say red."

" favorite food?" He asked.

" fries and nuggies."

" cheese burger."

" favorite drink?"

" lemonade."

" soda."

We kept on asking some random questions for like an hour.

" anyways tomorrow I'll go get the school stuff you know our first day school is next week so we have to get ready." He said.

" okay..."

" and then after tomorrow one of the popular girls in our school will throw a party, well she always throw a party for like back-to-school party, Christmas, Halloween, stuff like that." He added.

" okay but I don't know what to wear plus am underage am just 17 and there will be probably alcohol there." I crossed my arms.

" okay so one, we will buy you a dress. Two, don't talk to boys you don't know they are good or bad and what would they do. Three, don't drink if you don't want to. Four, if your not having fun or really annoyed we can go back home." He said smiling.

" thank you Leo." I said as he just simply nodded.

I went back to my room and slowly drifting off to sleep....

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