79 | Bridal Things

122 64 3

May 18th, 2022


"So here's the deal" Aubrey said she she, her fiancée, May, Rosalina and I walked into a bridal shop filled with bride, maid of honor, and bridesmaid dresses.

"We, Nova and I, will be picking out one another's dresses. But we're gonna start with you three first. Try to get something of the same color, in the purple section over there." Aubrey pointed to the back corner of the store, where there were different dresses that had different shades of purple. May, Rosalina, and I looked at one another, then nodded.

"Okay" Aubrey continued. "Once we have you three settled, then we'll work on Nova and I." May and Rosalina quickly scattered like ants as they made their way over to the purples. I sat down for a moment, because I could feel a rush of nausea coming on. "I got one, check this!" May yelled.

She dashed back over to us to show the dress, and I now felt even queasier than before.

I tried to say trash can, but I guess Nova read my face along with seeing the anticipation leading up to, and had been one step ahead of me. She placed one of the store's bins below where I sat, and I spat up like a baby eating green-pea flavored baby food.

"Geez" May said in response to my vomiting, "if you didn't like the dress that bad, you could've just said it. I would've gotten the hint sis." Nova laughed, "May, she's pregnant! You must've forgotten or something." I shook my head, "how could she forget?" I joked, "she started the 'bastard child' movement." Giggles erupted from all of us.

"Well honestly" Aubrey got back to the main focus, "the dress decision is on you three. You just need to have the same color, and same style dress. So whatever y'all choose is cool." Without another word, she and Nova walked into the direction that May had gone in to find the dress she was holding. After watching them walk away for a moment, May turned back to Rosalina and I. "What do you two think?" she asked, "yay, or nay?"

The dress was a lilac colored empire gown with a slit starting at the knee area. It wasn't that bad, but it would probably look better if you took a size smaller. I'm probably gonna have to take a size bigger because my bump was showing and my whole body was freaking swollen.

"I like it if you guys like it" Rosalina shrugged. "It's not my wedding, so I'm not bugging about what I'm wearing." I nodded, "it's pretty, I like it." May nodded then looked down, "this is so uncomfortable" she groaned. "What's uncomfortable?" Rosalina and I asked in unison.

"Oh, um" May said, as Rosalina and I looked at her. "Is your pad stuck in your ass too?" Rosalina assumed, and I made a "yuck" face.

"Uh, yeah!" May said, and it was real obvious that she was lying. "My pad is stuck so far up my ass" she said, adding a little giggle. I raised an eyebrow.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a bad liar, love?" I asked, and May started playing with her fingers. Rosalina laughed, "damn" she said, "I actually believed you for a second. What's up though? What's uncomfortable?"

May sighed, "well" she began, "we're at the end of senior year so I shouldn't worry much about this getting out, but there's also college and summer, so I'm indecisive." Rosalina and I looked at each other for a split second, "bitch are we gonna be mommin' together?" I asked, "do you have a bun in the oven too?"

"Nah" May said looking at the floor. She now looked ashamed, or maybe uneasy. Truthfully I wasn't very good at reading emotions, everybody looked like a bunch of little constipated ferrets to me.

"I have an sexual transmitted infection" May practically whispered, to which both Rosalina and I gasped, though not in sync. "It's getting treated!" May immediately added, probably saying that because of our reactions. "It just takes time. You know?" I nodded, "so Lewis has it too?" I asked, "or, are you two not exclusive?"

"He got it" May answered.

Rosalina casually put a hand on her hip, "I hope you didn't continue sleeping with him after getting it, without saying anything about how you have it." I shook my head in disagreement, "she shouldn't have to if she's only sleeping with him, cause that would mean that she obviously got it from him."

"Yeah, about that" May said, rubbing her hand against her thigh, while still holding the dress with her older hand. She dragged out the "yeah" part.

"Oh gosh" Rosalina said in response, as I nearly gritted my teeth in pure shock. "Wow" I said, "this...took a turn." May chuckled out of nervousness, "yeah," she said. "Like you're probably thinking, I cheated on Lewis, but it kind of came full circle and was really okay in the end, because Lewis fucked Nova on the day that he and I started going out."

"Huh?!" Rosalina asked, as my mouth fell agape. May's eyes showed evident panic. "Oh" she said, "y'all didn't know that? Whoops." Rosalina seemed particularly shocked, "I know she dates and shit, but she didn't seem like the type" she said, and May nodded. "Same thing I said, but I guess it's kind of expected. When you date or mess around with people in high school, it's like, almost guaranteed that sex is involved. Lewis is her ex, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they did it before that too."

"I just found out so much about Nova in like, one minute" Rosalina stated. "Do you think she fucked Nick too? Even though their relationship was fake?" May and I nodded our heads ferociously. "She definitely fucked Nick" I assured Rosalina, "he's my cousin, I used to know all the tea between them. He was her first kiss and took her virginity." Rosalina was still clearly surprised.

"Imagine the type of sex she and Aubrey are having on a daily basis" Rosalina went on. "I can't imagine either her or Aubrey being the submissive one, I bet they're like, an intense battle for dominance."

"What's a battle for dominance?" Nova asked, as she and Aubrey came back to us, holding hands. "Ma'am" I said as I instantly noticed the new, bulging red spot on Aubrey's neck. "Is that what I think it is?"

"The dressing rooms are big and we got bored" Aubrey shrugged, "but anyways, have you three come to a conclusion?" May, Rosalina and I all nodded in unison. "We're gonna go with the one May saw" Rosalina said, "casual and for sure won't out-do you two. That's the goal, right?"

"Spot on" Aubrey answered, "but it's our turn now so we have to split up. One of you come with me, one with Nova, and one will be versatile, going between both dressing rooms." I quickly shot my hand up, "I wanna be versatile" I said, "I'm like the most judgmental bitch here. I'm perfect for that job!"


"Twirl" I said to Nova who was with May. She had picked out a poofy ball gown type of dress for Aubrey. Personally, I wouldn't wear it, but Aubrey is very over-the-top, so I think she'd like it.

"Eight out of ten" I said to Nova after she spun around like a lunatic. "I'll be back."

I walked to the dressing room that held Aubrey and Rosalina. "Dance or something!" I suggested, and Aubrey shook her ass, which I wasn't surprised about. "Okay then" I said giggling, "nine out of ten, only because I love mermaid dresses."


By the time we left the bridal shop, it was nearly midnight. "There's no way we've been here for four goddamn hours" May said, "it went by so fast."

"That's what happens when you're having fun" Aubrey, who had used her mom's credit card to pay for all the dresses, which was nearly two thousand dollars, suggested. Ugh, rich people.

Senior sleepover was literally like three days from now, and I needed to figure out how I was gonna talk to Nick without seeming desperate or demanding.

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