24 | Oblivious

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Nova's been on her best behavior since that day at Aubrey's house, which I expected. She would make a good actress, because she knows how to play the part when needed and she knows how to create emotion.

"So I invited Stacey and Nadia" Maddie said as she and I sat at my kitchen table. We didn't have football practice today or tomorrow because our coach was pretty busy. The day after tomorrow, Saturday, would be the day of my party. I was kinda excited.

"You can't invite them!" I exclaimed, "they're both my exes." Stacey had gotten expelled from Norwood for practically attempting to kill a teacher, and Nadia transferred because she figured a private school would suit her better. So therefore, neither of them had any idea of Nova.

"Oh" Maddie began, "Nova's gonna be there?"

I made a face, "yes Maddie" I said in a serious tone, "she's my girlfriend."

Maddie made a "yikes" type of facial expression, "I mean yeah, but I don't know how she's your girlfriend still after all she did. If that was me, her ass would've been grass by now."

"Well, I don't exactly consider it cheating" I replied in full unsureness of my own words, followed by a sigh. "It's two girls, two very confused girls who believe they might be gay. One day they'll be grossed out by their actions, so it's cool." Maddie chuckled.

"Cheating is cheating. It doesn't matter what gender or sexuality the person is. And truthfully Nick, Nova will probably continue to cheat, because she always seems to get away with it." I rolled my eyes.

"Considering what Aubrey said to her, I doubt it" I replied. "I think it's over now, I hope it is anyways."

"Oh?" Maddie questioned, followed by a moment of excitement, "what did Aubrey say to her?"

"Basically I caught Nova at Aubrey's house the other day and Aubrey believed that Nova and I set her up or something. Long story short Aubrey told Nova that she was gonna ruin her life." Maddie looked at me like I was stupid, or like I had just lost my fucking mind. Regardless, she looked at me crazily.

"You caught your girl at Aubrey's house?" Maddie asked, ignoring the "ruin her life" bit. "Jesus Nick, how dense are you? Like, did Nova put a spell on you or something? Cause there's no way."

"I just told you how I'm still with her" I replied, "no spell, just understanding. If it was a guy it would be different. I know I've said otherwise before but I think I was just mad in the moment. They're girls."

"That doesn't change a thing" Maddie retorted. "Girl, boy, alien, your girlfriend kissed Aubrey with malicious intent. She knew what she was doing."

I shrugged, "malicious is a pretty strong word Maddie" I voiced, "I wouldn't say she did that. Nova just probably doesn't know how to say 'no', and Aubrey is using that against her."

Maddie shrugged, "well if you wanna be dubbed a good boyfriend, then by all means Nick, continue to be oblivious to the obvious cheating that your girlfriend is doing, and support her hoe activities. However in case you finally come to your senses, just know that I did invite your exes like for real, and they will be more than happy to fulfill your payback of cheating on the one and only Nova Milan."

I rolled my eyes in disgust, "anyways, what are you wearing to my party?" I asked.

"A plain white dress" Maddie answered, "I don't really have anybody to impress."

I nodded, "fair enough, even though you do have your boyfriend to impress." Maddie laughed, "yeah, technically, but I mean like, he's used to me. I don't need to get all cute for him."

I've never really been a fan of that logic, but maybe it's just me. I personally felt like looks should still be taken care of even after you've pulled the person. Because seriously, in the blink of an eye you could lose them, and then what? I wasn't gonna say that however, because Maddie undies were already in a twist over the Nova situation.

"I'm gonna dress up nice" I said, with no other context.

"For the bitches I'm bringing, right?" Maddie asked, "I knew you'd come around."

I made a face, "no!" I exclaimed, "for my girlfriend."

Maddie rolled her eyes, "guess who your girlfriend is gonna be dressing up for?" she began, "I'll give you a nice hint. Their name starts with 'Au' and ends with 'brey'!"

"She's just bored or some shit,"I argued, trying to get the idea out of Maddie's head and hopefully change the subject. "It's really no big deal, as long as Nova picks me over Aubrey, I really don't care."

"She's picking Aubrey over you if it really matters"
Maddie said, folding her arms. "Only way she'll pick you is if it's some superficial situation that doesn't have a lethal outcome." I was getting tired of Maddie making me feel bad about my own relationship, it was one of the few things that drove me crazy about her.

Maddie is a very headstrong individual. Once she believes something, she is the only one that can change her mind on it. She believes she knows what she's talking about, even after she's proven wrong. I personally don't know where I really stand with all this Nova shit because depending on my mood, I do or don't consider it cheating, but I do personally believe that Nova wants and values me more than she does Aubrey.

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