76 | Prom Day

122 66 10

May 10th, 2022


For some odd reason, it was pissing me off that most girls were getting their make up professionally done, like was make-up really that hard to maneuver by yourself? I mean, maybe it's different for me because I've been doing pageants and beauty contests my whole life, so I had no choice but to learn how to do my own makeup. Who knows, but what I do know, is that Nova was clearly struggling.

"Need help?" I asked, and Nova nodded. "Please" she said, "everything else was kind of easy, but applying eye liner will literally be the death of me." I chuckled, "I use tape, it's a lot easier that way." I grabbed tape from the cabinet and put some on Nova's eye. "See" I said as I did Nova's left eye.


"Prom starts in two hours, and prom king and queen will be announced in three" I said to Leigh. "So here's the plan, we walk into the school from a side door, and make it to the teacher's lounge where the computer with the winning candidate's are." Leigh nodded, "so you want me to be lookout?" she asked, and I nodded. "Yeah" I said, "I'll do the changing of the names. I'm sure one of them won anyways, so it should be a quick change of the 'male' name."

I parked my car in the student section of the parking lot, and Leigh and I walked through a side door that just happened to be open. "We have to make this quick" I said to my best friend, "because technically we aren't even supposed to be on school grounds."

"Right" Leigh said as we entered the corridor that the teacher's lounge was located in. We bother peeked into the room from the side upon reaching, and when I saw that the one teacher there was legitimately snoring, I carefully grabbed the computer that was next to her.

"Got it!" I whispered to Leigh as I crouched down and quickly typed in Aubrey's name. "Oh wow" Leigh said, watching me. "Nova and Nick were gonna be prom king and queen with an eighty-two percent vote." I nodded, "damn, she blew Aubrey out of the water. Too bad she's never gonna know that."

I quickly pressed "submit" so that the final report would read "Nova Milan and Aubrey Bryant." Once that "submit" button was clicked, the vote would be final and nobody would be able to change it.

"Alright" I said, turning to Leigh, "your turn, go put the computer back." Leigh nodded and quickly did so. "Let's go" she said once she came out of the room, and we ran down the hall as if we'd been running from the police. I hope someone recorded tonight, because I can't even imagine how funny it was gonna be.


"These must be the lucky guys!" Aubrey's mom said as Meme recorded Aubrey and I walking outside to greet Nick and Jason, whose parents also came because they wanted pictures of us all.

"Wow" Nick said, looking me up and down. "You look beautiful. Seriously." I smiled, "and you clean up nice" I said, "you really do."

Photos wasn't as excruciating as I had thought it would be, thankfully. Within like twenty minutes, Nick and I had hopped into his car, and Aubrey hopped into Jason's. Now started the countdown to prom king and queen. The moment I've been waiting for, for the last eight months.

It completely slipped my mind that it was an upperclassman prom and not a senior one, so I was a tad bit confused when I saw Hailey. "Hey girl" I said, "looking good!" Hailey smiled, "you too, future prom queen." I smiled, "hopefully whatever happens today doesn't make shit weird between me and Aubrey."

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