26 | Couple's Therapy

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I woke up beside Nova, and instantly felt a rush of regret from that little scene that I had caused in this very room just the night before. "Wow" I whispered, as I watched Nova sleep, "I can't believe I'd do that to her." She deserved better than me, or better than that version of me at least.

I picked at my lip without thought and carefully got up off the bed, making sure I didn't creek or wake Nova, but I assume my lack of presence on the bed woke her up anyways. Seconds after I was fully off the bed and standing, Nova shot awake, sitting up and somehow looking very alert.

"What are you doing?" she asked, as she watched me pick up the knife that I had used to threaten her life with the night before. I didn't expect her to not ask, I think her asking made sense. After all, she probably lost any lingering trust that she had in me.

"I'm just putting it back, I promise I'm done with the crazy shit" I reassured, "but hey, since your up, I was hoping that we could have a talk about something before I went back home. Please?" Nova nodded, not seeming scared or worried, which I kind of understood because yesterday also proved to her that I wouldn't be breaking up with her anytime soon.

When I came back up to Nova's room, she was fixing herself up, cute.

"I think we should try couples therapy" I suggested, which Nova clearly wasn't expecting. "Why?"

"Because I have an unhealthy obsession with you, and you and Aubrey are whatever. Maybe it may be the best idea for the both of us." Nova nodded.

"Maybe" she asked, "or maybe it might ruin our relationship entirely. We haven't even been dating for six months Nick. If we need couples therapy already, so early into our relationship, then maybe that's a sign."

"Please don't tell me you're suggesting we break up again" I began, "because I already put the knife back, and I'm too lazy to go get it again." Nova didn't find that joke funny at all.

"I was kidding, I'm sorry I won't make that joke again" I said, causing Nova to ease up, though not fully.

"I don't know what I'm saying" she replied, "I just know that whatever happened last night, I don't wanna experience that ever again."

"I know" I said in a serious tone, "and I swear I'm not like that. I've never done that before Nova, but you're like, you." Nova looked at me funny, "and?"

"I like you, so much and I don't know why" I replied. "Last night I made an impulsive, shitty decision and I swear I'll never do that again. You were right, you aren't obligated to forgive my cheating just because I forgave yours, but I just became overwhelmed with emotion, especially when it seemed you had none."

Nova shrugged, "yeah" she said awkwardly, and I could tell she didn't really know how to respond.

"I'll pay for everything" I insisted, "I'll take care of transportation and all. Just please try it Nova, if it doesn't work after that and you still wanna leave, then you can. I won't stop you."

"I don't know" Nova said, trying her best to avoid eye contact with me at this point. "I just feel like, imagine if people find out? Then we definitely won't be seen as the ideal prom nominees."

I nodded, "and that's why nobody's gonna find out" I assured Nova, but she clearly didn't trust that.

"I mean, if you drink one too many mimosas, then we might just be screwed."

I let out a light and quick laugh at Nova's joke, "good one" I said, as I lightly caressed Nova's cheek. She responded with a slight flinch but it wasn't bad, and I didn't make comment on it because it was understandable that she did that at this point.

"I guess I really have nothing to lose if I opt in and do it" Nova sighed. "I'll either gain from it, or remain the same person."

I nodded, this time I was the one that didn't exactly know what to say. Nova cleared her throat, "and you know what? As much as I felt my feelings were justified Nick, yours were too. It is weird for me to sit here and expect you to forgive me but not have the same energy for you. I'm not saying you can cheat on me whenever or anything like that, but I am saying that you at least deserve an apology. I'm sorry." I smiled.

"Let's keep this whole ordeal between us" I whispered, kissing Nova. "Because we both seem a tad bit shitty, and it just wouldn't look right to anybody. Being behind in a prom race is one thing, but being seen as a toxic and mutually abusive couple is another."

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