43 | Party Girls

142 67 5

December 27, 2021
The day after Nova received the car


I had a list of parties that I could go to today, but truthfully I didn't really have friends. Believe it or not, but the most popular people never actually have a real circle. It's like every bitch I'm friends with just becomes jealous of me or something.

I mean I had Nova, but we were hot and cold and I just get weird urges that I don't quite understand while around her, so I can't be her friend for too long before I act crazy. I had seen that Lewis bought her a car apparently, and I was kind of jealous.

I wasn't jealous of Nova, my parents buy me whatever the hell I want. I was jealous of Lewis, because he got to spoil Nova, and nobody questioned him, harassed him, or made him feel less than for it.


Thankfully my mom agreed to registering my new car, despite the fact that I didn't have a license yet. Since Nick and I didn't last long enough for me to get driving lessons from him, Lewis offered to begin teaching me starting next week. We can only practice on weekends though, because football practice is everyday after school.

I wasn't even up for ten full minutes when Aubrey FaceTime called me. I debated answering because I looked a mess, but I decided it didn't matter, maybe she'd say "oh, wrong person" once I picked up.

"Hey girl" I said upon answering. "What's up?"

"We're going to a party today" Aubrey stated, "because I have nobody else to go with and you're the perfect candidate for this shit anyways."

"Oh?" I said, "what makes me perfect candidate?"

"The fact that you're breathing and don't hate me, I think" Aubrey responded and I rolled my eyes.

"Lighten up" she said, and I laughed. "I can't lighten up, I'm black as hell" which sounded so much better in my head. Nonetheless, Aubrey still laughed.

"You're not really dark" she said, "your colors kinda hot" I made a face, "hot?" I subconsciously asked, and Aubrey went into some type of mini panic. "I meant like sun burned!" she insisted, "like that golden tan basked in the sun type of thing. You know?"

"I'm fucking with you" I said, indicating that I wasn't bothered by the "hot" comment. I felt bad for even questioning it, but it just came out of my mouth so fast. Like, Aubrey thinks my color is hot? Oh okay!

"I know, and maybe soon you'll actually be fucking with me, who knows" Aubrey boldly said, and I bit my lip. I was so bad at flirting in this manner, and I couldn't take this version of Aubrey seriously. Not with us both competing for the crown and with her dating Jason, at least.

"Maybe time will tell" I forced out, and Aubrey scoffed. "Only thing that times telling is what time we're going out tonight. There's a party like I said."

"Sorry" I said, realizing we both got a little carried away. "Tell me more about this party, who's having it, and what type is it? I don't wanna be like, over or underdressed you know."

"That's a surprise" Aubrey said, "you'll see when we get there." I rolled my eyes, "I've built enough trust in you to allow you to take me somewhere random, but please, if you're gonna prank me or do some crazy shit to me, make sure it won't kill me."

"I'd never hurt you" Aubrey said, cracking a smile out of me. "Well" Aubrey continued, "not physically at least." I snorted, "I should've seen that one coming." Aubrey nodded, "yeah, you should've."

I mean, considering this prom shit going on, that was a potential truth. Aubrey could win, steal my man, tell me that I'm a useless slut and confess that she's been acting this whole time to get me to give in so that she can get to the crown easier.

"I'm gonna pick you up at nine" Aubrey said, not only interrupting my thoughts but also alarming me a little bit. "Nine?" I asked, "what type of teen party starts that late?" Aubrey sighed, "you have so much more experiencing to do" she said, "it's like you live under a rock sis." I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Oh" Aubrey continued, "and dress openly." I scrunched up my face, "ma'am what does that mean?" I asked, "because I'm not showing up in lingerie and a tight fitted bra." This time, it was Aubrey that was rolling her eyes.

"Don't dress all cover up like you normally do" she said, "show some skin. You're grown now Nova."

"Yes, grown and responsible! Amen." Aubrey giggled, "okay Nova" she said, "ima see you soon."

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