70 | Allies

122 66 1


"Hey Aubrey!" Rosalina said, approaching me. I had asked her to make her way to Norwood a little earlier today, because I didn't want to have this talk with her in front of Nova. After having some time to think, I had decided that I no longer wanted to even give Rosalina that time of day. I mean, we could be friends of course, but nothing that upset Nova.

"So there's been a sudden change of plans" I tried to say nicely, "and I didn't know how to properly say it. But basically, um, I guess I'm firing you?"

"Why?" Rosalina immediate asked, "did I do something wrong?" I shook my head profusely, "no you didn't!" I exclaimed. "You were perfect, but since Nova and I are both running we came up with this idea to basically work together on a project. Like allies." It was bold of me to even sit here and volunteer Nova like that, because there was a chance that she would just decline my offer. Cause if she does decline, then what?

"Oh" Rosalina said, sounding bummed. "Well, I'm still gonna be around if you need me." I nodded, "of course!" I chirped, "and you can still be my friend and stuff, don't think otherwise. We're cool, it's not you at all girl I swear." Rosalina smiled.


"Are you gonna walk with me home today?" I asked Hailey as she and I walked to school together. "I'm not sure" Hailey said honestly, "Zach has been really weird as of late, and I'm starting to suspect stuff. I don't wanna jump the gun though."

"Weird as in what?" I asked, "because if he's wearing turtle necks then he's cheating like a professional athlete! Or at least that's what that 'teen tactics' magazine told me. What do I know?" Hailey laughed, "no" she said, "Brynn started talking to him. I don't know how and when, I just saw it about a week ago but didn't really feel bothered by it until now."

"Huh" I said, thinking. "I've never seen Brynn or Zach together, but then again I've also struggled to make out Zach at times. Do you know how many times he's been standing right in front of me and I didn't even realize?" Hailey chuckled, "it's cause he's not of importance to you, so you don't search for him" she said, "which is fine. Shit, I see right through his big headed ass too sometimes."

"I'm gonna start paying attention to him" I said, "and I'll tell you if I see anything." Hailey smiled, "thank you Nova" she said, "you're the best."


When locker period rolled around, I saw the two people I was supposed to be watching. It's a good thing that I stole some props from the theatre room and the bathroom was just feet away from me, because I could quickly throw on my "investigation outfit" that I put together.

My outfit was really just a green wig, a beard, and leg warmers that I intended on putting on my arms. I quickly did that seeing that nobody was in the bathroom, and made my way back to the corridor where Brynn was leaning against a wall and Zach was just standing straight up.

"Nova?" I heard Lewis' voice say as I turned around to face him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Shhh!" I silenced him, "Hailey thinks her boyfriend might be cheating on her" I whispered to Lewis, who made a "yikes" face. "That kid?" Lewis asked, pointing over at Zach. "If I knew they were still together I would've told you this earlier, but I saw him and Brynn kiss the other day." My eyes went wide, "are you positive you saw that?" I questioned, "because I will tell Hailey."

Lewis put both hands up, "on my momma's life Nova, I saw Zach planting a kiss on Brynn's cheek."

"Come with me" I demanded as I grabbed Lewis' wrist and ripped my beard off. I still looked stupid with the hair and leg warmers, but I didn't mind it. Aside from the fact that it was comfortable, I really needed to find Hailey.

"Uh," Hailey approached, "what's with the get-up?"

"I was using this outfit to spy" I told Hailey, "but before I could even catch anything, I was made aware of some very useful information." Hailey nodded her head, indicating I should continue, and I turned to Lewis, giving him the "okay" to explain the rest. He went into detail about what he saw, down to the outfits that were worn that day.

Hailey sighed, "Nova I'm just gonna go home today" she said, "that honestly blew me." I looked at my best friend sympathetically, "are you sure?" I asked, "we can confront them?" Hailey smiled sheepishly, "we definitely will be, just not today. I can't even think straight right now if I'm being honest."

I gave Hailey a hug, and she walked past me so that she could go to her locker. "Damn" Lewis said, "that kid is a weirdo for cheating." I stared into the distance, "plain and simple" I said, "but maybe you, Jason and Nick can scare some sense into him."

"Oh absolutely" Lewis responded, "if Hailey needs that, we got that. She's one of us now, and we're family." I don't know what this "we're" shit that Lewis was talking about was, but I didn't argue it. Hell, it's a good thing if he thinks we're "family."

"Of course" I smiled.



"A little birdie told me that you got fired from class President" I said to Nova as I rolled up my car windows and turned on the air conditioning. "May I know why?" Nova folded her arms.

"Aubrey if you're trying to mock me, now isn't the time" Nova said, "I don't even wanna think about it." I shook my head, "I'm not!" I insisted, "I wanted to offer you a spot with me and the fundraiser."

The fundraiser hadn't officially started more so because of my laziness, but with Nova by my side I'm sure we could get a move on things. Rosalina was all talk anyways, in all reality.

"Why would I, your opponent, work with you?" Nova asked, "that doesn't even make sense." I nodded, "it does though" I argued. "I mean, this fundraiser hasn't been established as a thing for prom, it's just something I'm doing in hopes of getting a lead. If we both do it, then we can both look good."

"I guess" Nova responded, "but with all that's happened and all the rumor stuff, would you really wanna have a fundraiser with me?" I scoffed, "first of all if you really 'cared' about rumors, you wouldn't be in this car with me right now" I said, "and secondly, who gives a damn about that shit? Rumors will be there regardless." Nova nodded, "that's true."

"Well then I guess I'm in" Nova announced, "what do I have to do?" I smiled, "Rosalina made the flyers" I said, "they're neutral so no names are like on it or anything. All you need to do is hand them out or stick them on walls."

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