Chapter 18

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Oikawa stands up and walks over to the voices. He moves some branches, to reveal three people.
"Are you guys serous," Oikawa says. "Stocking us?"

"What? Stocking? No no no." One of them says.

"We were just watching the.... the birds."

"Through the bushes?" Oikawa yells at the three of them.

I walk up to the them, coming up behind Oikawa. "Don't got to yell at them. They may have done something stupid, like spy on us."

"You see my point? They spied on us."

"You went on a date without my permission, I think I have the right to spy." Semi states.

"How did the other two know?" Oikawa asks.

"You think I would do this by myself? I had to bring some backup."

"And we were the first two to find out about your little relationship." Makki says.

"Still doesn't mean you had to spy on us." I bark.

"I thought you said not to yell at us?" Matsu says.

"I didn't tell myself not to yell."

"Since we are here and there's no poi- nt in leaving, how about we join you." Semi suggests.

"No-" Oikawa starts, the three of them start walking to the blanket, while agreeing with Semi.

"Really you three, I just want to have my first date with Oikawa."

"Second date." Makki and Matsu say at the same time.

"Remember, we found you sleeping on Oikawa, with the Wii still on." Makki continues.

"And then you ran out of the house with Oikawa coming following you. He still won't tell us what happened." Matsu finishes.

"I told you two to drop the subject and to never speak of it."

"Let me guess, something to do with him?" Semi asks.

"Yeah." I say looking away.

"Why not we just eat all of your food then," Semi says, changing the subject. He starts looking through the basket. "You brought strawberries, how did you know these are my favourite?"

"I didn't buy those for you, and since you are practically eating half of them why not finish them off." Oikawa states, watching Semi eat all the strawberries.

"These are juicy, delicious, Suga eat them with me." Semi hands me a strawberry, as I sit down next to him.

"Semi, your face is filled with strawberry juice." Makki laughs, he gets the stank eye to shut him up.

"Like I care, I like strawberries."

"We can tell," Matsu says." You have already eaten mist of the bowl."

"I gave Suga some."

"One, you gave me one." I say.

"At least you got one, Matsu, Makki, and I haven't gotten any." Oikawa says trying to reach for one.

"Hands off my strawberries," Semi slaps Oikawa's hand. Grabbing the bowl and hugging it. "Suga you can have more."

I grab a strawberry from the bowl. A couple of minutes go by and Semi is laying on the blanket.

"I shouldn't have eaten all those strawberries, but they were so good." Semi groans.

"That's why they weren't just for you." Oikawa says.

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