Chapter 13

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"He was nice." I say as me and Oikawa start walking to the court room.
The court room is big, full of people I've never seen before. Me and Oikawa walk up to my mom who is behind a small table with three chairs.

A judge comes in from a large door on the other side of the room. His hair is white and grey, so thin that his hair is almost gone. He sits in a chair that's in the front of the room.

A family of four walk into the room as we take a seat. Two males and two females, one being Semi.

Semi gives a small wave as he walks to the other table. My dad sits on the far end while Semi sits in the middle. A tall man with dark brown hair sits beside him.

I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I look down at the floor, it's shiny like it's just been washed.

Oikawa holds one of my hands, he looks at me as I look at him, mouthing it's going to be okay. A small smile forms on my face and I look back at the judge.

The judge hits his small mallet on the wooden bench. I jump from the loud noise.

"Are you okay?" Oikawa whispers.

I nod back, turning to face the judge.

The judge welcomes everyone. "So, Mrs. Sugawara, you have claimed that your," he let's out a little cough. "Your husband has another family."

My mom stands up. "Yes sir."

My phone flashes on, I look down at it seeing a message from Daichi. I put my phone into my pocket. Ignoring the message.

A chair squiks onto the floor. I look over to see Semi standing up.

"That can't be true. He may not be around a lot, but that doesn't mean he has another family on the side. He still-" Semi yells before getting cut off.

"Eita," Semi looks to his right at my father. "That's enough, sit down."

Semi sits back down, he pulls his knees up to his chest.

"Message him. Make sure he's okay." Oikawa whispers as he hands me his phone.

It was already on his number. I look back at Semi before messaging him.

Hey, I wanted to know if you're alright. You looked a little scared when he yelled at you. By the way, it's Sugawara

Semi looks at me and gives me a small smile, I smile back at him. He looks back down at his phone.

I'm fine, thank you.

I look at the message, it maybe small but I know it means a lot. I hand Oikawa his phone, he puts it in his pocket. He grabs my hand and our fingers interlock.

"Mrs. Sugawara, will you mind filling out these forms." The judge says.

She stands up and grabs the pen and paper the judge gave her. She fills them out and hands the paper back.

"You are now divorced." The judge looks at my mom with a small smile.

She comes back with tears in her eyes, a huge smile appears on her face. I run up to her, and hug her tight. She hugs back.

Oikawa stands behind us and smiles. I let go of my mom. Semi's family is already out the door, leaving Semi behind. He looks back at us, giving us a smile and a small wave before leaving the room.

We walk out to the parking lot to our car.

"Hey, Sugawara, Oikawa." Semi calls, his eyes are a little red and there's a hand mark on his cheek.

"Oh baby," mom says, she grabs Semi's face to get a better look at the mark. "Who did this to you?"

"Well, dad wasn't to fond with my outburst."

"Why not come with us," mom offers. "You're not going back to your house like this."

"If it isn't to much of a trouble, I mean I can walk." Semi says.

"Just accept it," Oikawa says. "It will take you over an hour to make it to your home, so why not just come with us."

Semi looks at me. "Just hop into the car." I say, he smiles.

The three of us squish into the back of the car. While mom drives us back to my house.

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