Chapter 15

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She leaves the three of us to clean up the water. I go under the sink where a few towels are, I hand one to Oikawa and one to Semi. The three of us start wiping down the walls, the floor, and our hair.
"Thank you for letting me stay." Semi says.

The three of us spent the rest of the weekend together.

"Of course, come whenever you want to." Mom says, she places a little kiss on his forehead.

"Bye Semi." I say.

Semi gets out of the car and walks up to his front door. He gives a small wave before walking into his home. We drive off onto the long road.

"It's just up here, Mrs. Sugawara." Oikawa says.

We pull up by the sidewalk. Oikawa opens his door and gives me a quick pic on the lips before getting out of the car.

"Their house is quite big." Mom says and she starts driving off.

I look out the window, it's gloomy. I grab my bag and head out of the classroom's door. I leave the school walking to the gymnasium.

"Finally coming to practice?" Kinoshita asks.

"Of course, the Spring Interhigh is coming up." I reply.

"Even though we won't get to play." Kinoshita looks down at the ground.

"But we can play when they need us."

We make it to the large gymnasium. Volleyballs being hit onto the floor.

"Sugas' back." One of the members yell, everyone stops what they're doing to look to the door.

"Hey Kionshita, come here for a second." The Daichi says.

Kinoshita runs up to him, he turns his head and gives me a thumbs up. I walk up far enough but still close to hear what they're saying.

"Do you know why Sugawara hasn't been here?" Daichi asks.

"Sorry I don't." Kinoshita states, his voice is low.

"Didn't you do to his house the other day?"

"I did, but the door was locked."

"You couldn't even get through the windows?"

"I couldn't, they were shut." Kinoshita looks back, a smile is seen on his face.

I smile back at him. He runs back over to me.

"So, will you tell me who those two are?" Kinoshita asks.

"What two?" I ask, knowing he's talking about Semi and Oikawa.

"Well, one for sure was Oikawa Seijoh's captain, and the other..."

"Okay I get. The other one was Semi Eita, he goes to Shiratorizawa."

We finish practice, all of us split up to go home.

"You know the Spring Interhigh are coming up." Daichi says, starting a conversation.

"I know." I say.

"So, why haven't you been attending practice?"

I dont look at him, and I keep walking straight. "No reason."

Daichi turns right while I turn left. Rain drops hit my head, I pull my jacket over my head since it doesn't have a hood. Something gets put onto my head, blocking the rain better.

"It's always my favorite when it rains." Oikawa says.

I turn to face him. "Why are you here?"

"Just walking by."

The clouds separate, making the rain stop.

I take off Oikawa's jacket. "Here, you're going to need it."

"I let you keep the last one, why don't you keep this one."

"You're going to run out of jackets, just take it."

He takes the jacket back. He takes off his glasses that have water splattered all over the lenses, he uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe off the rain drops.

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