Chapter 14

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The three of us squish into the back of the car. While mom drives us back to my house.
Mom drives on the concrete driveway. Oikawa opens he's door and let's me out. We get to the front door as mom unlocks the front door.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Sugawara." A voice is heard from the kitchen.

"Kinoshita, why are you here?" Mom says, her fingers are pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, your son wasn't answering any of my calls or messages."

"Sorry Kinoshita." I say.

"Doesn't matter now, I'll see you on Monday." Kinoshita says, as he walks to the window to jump out of.

"Does he not like doors or something?" Semi asks.

"Not at all," mom says, she opens the freezer to get some ice out. "He just thinks windows are closer."

She grabs a cloth and wraps it around the ice. She hands it over to Semi. "For your cheek."

"Thank you, Mrs. Sugawara." Semi holds it up to his cheek.

"Why don't you three go up to Koushi's room," mom starts. "I'll start dinner."

We go up the stairs to the closed door.

"I'm just going to say, my room is small." I say.

"It can't be that small, my room is a closet." Semi states.

I open the door to reveal the clean and small bedroom.

"Nice room." Semi says, as he looks around.

"Thank you." I says back.

I sit on my bed with Oikawa close behind me. Semi sits on the floor by the bed.

"You can sit on the bed." I say.

"I'm fine, the floor is comfy anyways." Semi replies, he holds the cloth with I've in it in his hands, away from his face.

"Your phone keeps flashing on and off," Oikawa says. "You should check it."

I pick up my phone, over 80 messages not read, and 47 miss calls. I click on daichi's contact.

Suga, where are you? 10:30

Suga we have practice 10:38

Are you one you're way? 10:39

I'm sorry Daichi, some family stuff came up. I promise I'll be there for the next practice.

I look through all the messages before getting to Kinoshita. Most of his messages are one letter sent at a time, I shut my phone off and put it down.

Semi starts looking at pictures on his phone. He's smiling, you can even see a little bit of red coming off his cheeks.

"Who's that?" I ask.

Semi looks at me like I'm crazy. "It's no one."

"Are you sure it's not him?" Oikawa asks.

"I don't like Shirabu." Semi states, his face is bright red now.

"I never said it was Shirabu." Oikawa gives him a look.

"Now who is this Shirabu? Is he part of your team?" I ask.

"He is a part of the team. Besides he won't even like me," Semi starts. "He's annoying, and his bangs aren't even straight."

"Are you just going to list everything you hate about him?" Oikawa asks, trying to tease him.

"No, that will take to long." Semi replies.

The door opens revealing the silvered haired mom. "What were you three talking about. Semi is all red."

"Just Semi's little crush." I say, giving Semi a look.

"I don't have a crush." Semi picks up a pillow on the floor and throws it at my face.

I grab the pillow that Semi threw at me and I throw it back at him.

"By the way, dinner is ready." Mom says.

The three of us go to the washroom that's down the hall.

"I think the shortest one here should was his hands first." Oikawa says.

"I'm not that much shorter than you two." I say, giving Oikawa a look.

I turn on the water and grab some, spilling it on Oikawa. "Oops."

"Really?" Oikawa walks to the sink and grabs some water spilling it all over me and Semi. "Oops."

I go over to the shower grabbing the shower hose off the wall. I turn the tap just a little so it's cool. I press the button on the hose and it sprayes them.

"You three were supposed to wash your hands," mom yells, I turn off the water. "Just clean up the mess, than come down to eat."

She leaves the three of us to clean up the water. I go under the sink where a few towels are, I hand one to Oikawa and one to Semi. The three of us start wiping down the walls, the floor, and our hair.

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