House Date

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A/N: So it turns out when you're on vacation you get inspired. So this is another bonus chapter after the original completion of the book. Also making out scene(s).

I knocked on Luke's house door and waited for someone to open the door. "Oh! It's you! Come on in son." Luke's dad said. To be honest I was hoping to see Luke because every time I came over to his parents' house they would tease us relentlessly, which became annoying after a time.

Once we were cuddling on the couch and watching a movie, then out of nowhere his parents came and started taking a ton of photos then laughed. Luke had to beg his mom not to post it on Facebook. When you think of it, they shouldn't be doing that in the first place but you know some parents are like that.

Another time Luke and I were about to share a kiss, and right before we did his mom burst into the room. It's like they were watching us. After they teased us.

Not even my parents did this! That's how bad it was. I usually don't like to do home dates at my house because it's too crowded. And now that Sam is dating Josh it's gotten worse. Luke's 3 people home were much quieter but somehow more annoying. But this time we had a plan to have our date in peace and quiet.

I stepped into the house with a smile on my face. "SON ISSAC IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!" Mr. Brown said with a booming voice. I had to cover my ears. I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard it.

"Dad, you know you don't have to yell I can hear you if you just call me normally." Luke said coming down the stairs. He came and hugged me before saying, "Once again I'm sorry my parents are like this." Which made me laugh.

"So it's just a study date right?" Mrs. Brown said coming out of the kitchen trying to put on an earring.
"Yes ma'am. But we might order pizza and watch a movie as well." I replied. They both laughed.
"Well, that sounds fine to me."

"Luke we'll be back by the morning okay. Also, Issac if you want to stay over that's okay as long as you let your parents know beforehand. And remember don't answer the door for strangers. And don't do anything that you'll regret in the next 24 hours." We both nodded. They smiled at us before heading out the door.

Luke looked out the window to make sure they left before cheering. "Yes, Finally a normal date! We have to thank Lucas for suggesting this."

"Haven't seen you this excited in a long time." I said.
"I mean can you blame me."
"Nope!" We both laughed. He came over to me and kissed my cheek before we went to his room.

I flopped on his bed sighing. "We should do this more often." I told him. And he hummed in agreement while trying his hair into a bun. "So what do you want to study first as your tutor and your boyfriend it is my job to make sure you don't fail."

"Geez, you were my tutor just some friend who knew some subjects better than me and helped me when I was struggling with school." He said. I facepalmed. "Last time I checked that is what a tutor is."
"Whatever. I do need some help in math today."

"Seems easy enough. Wait you don't need help in English. Aren't you guys studying Shakespeare?"

"Yeah, but I found out you can use the internet to cheat your way through most of the stuff. The other stuff is just asking what you think about something."

"Aww good job for using your resources." I said patting his head. He blushed a little.
"Yeah yeah. Just help me with math so we can watch a movie and eat pizza."

"Okay, so what do you need help with?" He pulled out his textbook. I looked through it before looking back up at him. I shredded a tear. "L-Luke... this is long division. We learned this back in elementary and in middle school." I sniffed.

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