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Cw: Misgendering(?)
When I got home I looked up at the ceiling and turned my LED lights to blue. After thinking a while, I knocked on a door. That's when my younger sister or should I say sibling opened the door.

"Oh hey, jerk. What do you want?" They said.
"I need to talk to you about something?" I said.
"Ugh what I'm trying to watch Attack on Titan not to talk to you. Go bother Mom or some else"
They said while closing the door.

"No wait please it's about Luke!"
She stopped, grinned evilly and said : "Well it's about time come in big bro!"

We sat on their bed with their nerdy stuff, their so obsessed with anime, it's so embarrassing. That and Marvel, Star Wars, and Harry Potter. Them, John, and, my younger brother. They're so alike it's weird. They're both nerds it's disgusting.

"So did you finally realize your feelings for him?"

"Huh? Feelings? What no Sam I'm straight!"

"Yeah that's what they all say you homophobic homo." they said teasingly.

"Anyways what's going on you never really talk to me anymore, so this is rare; it must be important."

"Well, we almost..."
"You?" They raised a eyebrow
"We almost um..."
"You almost what?! If this keeps up I'm going to kick you out Levi is more important than this!-"

"WE ALMOST KISSED TWICE! THERE I SAID IT!" I yelled with my face all red.

Her eyes widen and then she got angry. "No need to scream I can hear you just fine! And what's the big deal y'all kissed before for a dare of course I was The who dared you, needed my pairing come true." They giggled.

"Oh my- just listen to me for a second! Gosh!" I told her. "This time was different we almost kissed and I was excited and wanted it to happen..." I said quietly. "I mean I was drunk and all so that must have something to do with it..."

"No way..." they looked at me side-eye "You're not joking. Give me the details right now! Levi and Hange can wait!!"

My red face became even darker. I started stuttering trying to change the subject but failed.

"You haven't acted like this since Alisha!" They smiled.

'It was a mistake asking her for help'

*After explaining what happened*

"Oh my gosh really?! I always knew he was a flirt, in fact, I used to a crush on him for a little while." They laughed while looking away blushing mostly likely from embarrassment.

"Ew no, you're your 16 and he's 18 calm down. Besides me and him always made fun of you for not being normal."

"One: I am normal!" She said.

"Two: Yeah I guess but I thought I could change him and that was in the past." she sighed.

"You're weird." I said.
"Ha! No, You're weird for having feelings for your best friend who's a guy!" She said while sticking her tongue out.

I started to get defensive, "I-I already told you I don't like guys, it was the alcohol that made me act like that."
"Aha, sure..." She said while squinting.

"It's the homophobic ones that turn out bi or gay or queer. That's karma, Issac." Sam said. "And besides if you're straight why are you stuttering? Why is your face red? Why do you always smile when he's around? Why do you stare at him while he's not looking? Why are you even talking to me about this right now?"

"Admit it you're bi and like Luke... it's okay, I understand he's really hot you were bound to realize it sooner or later. Hashtag bigang!" They said making a hashtag sign.

I opened my eyes in at Sam's words.

"I need to go..." I said.
"Okay well, goodnight sweater weather. Invite me to the wedding!"

'He's so stupid...' Sam thought to themself.

I went back to my bed I could feel my face was really red.


A/n: I love Sam their so cool 🤝 Stan Sam for clear skin. (Sam goes by they/she pronouns who mainly uses they/them by the way.)

Alternative description to this story: You made fun of gays and God said "oh really?" And made you one.

a non binary who mainly uses they/them pronouns.

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