Back Again

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"I don't know how would I react." A voice said behind us.

"Is it who I think is?..." Lucas said with a little bit of excitement in his voice.

"Hey, best friend!" They said.

"Alisha! You're back! I didn't think you would be back until next week." Lucas said before rushing into her arms.

"Woah there I decided to surprise y'all." She said taking the force of the surprising attack. "So did you miss me."

"Yes! Everything has been chaos since you left."
"I can tell." She said before looking up at me.

"So you're not going to give your ex a hug?" She said extending her arms.

Before I knew it I was wrapped in a warm and comfortable hug. All the memories of the good old days came flooding back.

"I didn't think you would be coming back." I said still in her embrace.

"Lucas didn't tell you?"
"Sorry everything has just been so crazy I didn't have a chance to tell him." He said. I could tell he had no intention of tell me anything.

Lucas, Alisha, and Sam were best friends, well more like siblings. They had an amazing and close bond. They were just as sad as me when she moved away.

But they were something that she and Sam had in common. They both loved "shipping" everyone and everything. In fact they're both famous on some websites for writing fan fiction. The most famous story they have is a story where shipped their past crushes together; and the best part is it came true almost in the way they predicted it.

"So..." she said with a smirk. "What's this crush I heard about?" Lucas snickered quietly.

"Does that matter now that your back we can just get back together and forget any of this happened," I said with a somewhat desperate tone in my voice.

"We both know that can't happen. I won't allow myself to become a rebound. And I can't allow you lying to yourself for any longer."

"No buts I didn't come back for us to get back together."

"O-oh." I said in disappointment.

"Be honest if I didn't come back you would be there confessing your feelings to him right now."

I stayed silent before shaking my head.

"As I thought." She said with a triumphant smile.

She was always so kind and understanding, that's why I loved her so much.

She let go of me. "Well, I give you my blessing. Go and hug, kiss, and hold hands." She said winking.

"What?! Did you hear all of that?!" I said while covering my face with my hands blushing hard.

"Aww, you were always cute when you flustered. But yes I did hear all of that in fact, I heard everything and I can say it was pretty cute."

"Don't lie to him it was pretty embarrassing." Lucas said while leaning on her shoulders.

"Well of course it was but that's love for ya."

"Your accent has gotten worse since you left." I said.

"Hey well, what did you expect! I moved back to the country, not the city!" She said looking away embarrassed.

"Well, I don't know why you're still here? Go get him. I wish you the best of luck from not only your ex but as one of your best friends!" She kissed my forehead causing me to blush a little.

"Stop it your embarrassing me!" I said while walking away.

~Lucas's Pov~

We waited till he was out of sight and hearing range.

"So it's going all according to plan huh?" Alisha said looking at me.

"Surprisingly yes." I said replying back, looking forward.

"How do you feel about the whole thing?.."
"Well most of me wishes it goes horribly and somehow he'll feel sorry for all the things he did to Sam... It would be funny and ironic...

"But you always said that he didn't mean those things that he always felt bad afterwards. Luke would always talk to him about. But never did anything to help Sam... And now they're "dating." But I do want things to go well so no one gets hurt..."

"I taught you well. But,we should go behind him to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Huh why?" I said.

"You know how Luke is... In fact, before I came here they were getting pretty close not in that way but like they were about to kiss. And you know how Luke can get one he kisses someone."

"Oh shoot! You're right! Why didn't you say something earlier?!"

"I'm sorry I just remember and I didn't think he was the type of person to display PDA." She grabbed my hand and started to run chasing after Issac.

"We have to get there before something horrible happens!"

"I didn't think I would ever have to a side character in some cringey romance story." I said sighing. Still, I'm happy that my best friend is back it brings back memories...

A/N: I hope you guys like Alisha's characters. She's not meant to be that girl who gets in the way of your ship or to be that girl that's homophobic because the guy she likes is with another guy, but instead supports them and gives good advice. If anything, think of her as an older sister. Also please don't ship her and Lucas, he's ace aro. The only ship I will allow between the two of them is friendship. 😤

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