School Sucks

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I had my girlfriend when I was in middle school.

To be honest I was quite popular. With a handsome face, jock-like personality. A stereotype. Plus I was surprisingly smart it was no wonder all the girls wanted to be mine is what I told myself everyday.

By my first year of middle school, I had about four ex-girlfriends. I only saw women as gum once it loses flavor you spit it out and get another one.

To be honest I only truly liked one. She was everything a guy would want in a girl, kind, beautiful, and loved the guy no matter what.

We eventually broke up at the end 9th grade because she moved away. That day I played "all girls are the same" by juice wrld, next to my Saturday are for the boys' poster. I cried I really loved her and I know she loved me back.

After I recovered I played all girls like a fiddle. Went from no exs to 10 in a month.

Before this story continues I want to introduce my best friend Luke Brown, and, one of the only people I respect. We're homies doing, everything together; From hanging out to playing every girl in sight.

By this time in my life I was a little more open asking why girls got abortions being racist and homophobic, you know things a far-right person would do.

One day I was walking from the courtyard to the lunchroom and overheard some girls talking about me. One was my ex and another one was my homie's ex. I didn't recognize the other one.

One girl said how if he keeps suppressing it, it would only get worse and stronger. Another one said how it would be funny to see me and Luke get together.

What are they talking about, I'm not gay and neither is he. Girls and them making everything manly gay. I thought while walking away.

POV: You're part of the most homophobicly homo group ever: the boyz 😈🥶💯

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