Back to School

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~Issac Pov~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. "Ugh. What time is it? I can't believe my suspension ended already." I groaned before getting up to turn it off.

After my second alarm went off I went through my phone. "Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat ugh life is so boring in the morning." That's when I saw a text.

Og 😘😜: I'm coming to pick you up. I know you always sleep in so get up.

I was so tired I had to reread it about 3 times before knowing who sent it and what it said.

"k" I replied before going back to sleep for the third time.

About 30 minutes passed before I heard my door open. "Five more minutes Mom..." I said groaning while turning around.

"The point that you would call me your mom slightly disappoints me." A voice said.

I opened my eyes before flying out of my bed. "L-Luke! What are you doing here?!"

"I texted you to get ready but after seeing your reply I figured you went back to sleep. So, I decided to be a good boyfriend and wake you up myself." He said while looking around my room for clothes.

"Here I can tell you don't have anything nice so you can wear this." He threw me his hoodie.

"Ooooo look at you giving me your hoodie. Thanks, babe." I said before kissing his cheek.

He blushed. "Yeah yeah, whatever just hurry up."

I was about to put on the sweater before I noticed he was still there. "Dude get out." I said. "Why? It's not like I haven't seen you like this before besides we're both dudes." He said.

"Well, it's kind of weird when you have your boyfriend watching you." I said while stuttering.

"Oh is that how it is?" He said in a sly tone. "Well, what if I do this?!" He hugged me from behind.

"Huh what? Luke stop we're going to get to school late at this rate!"
"Since when do you care about school?"
"It's almost the end of the year and I at least want to get into a good college. Now let go!"

"Okay fine, but let's just stay like this a while. You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." He said quietly. I looked back to see his ears red. I couldn't see the rest of his face because it was buried in my neck. This made me go bright red too.

"Okay but only five minutes." I told him.

Ten minutes past and he was still hugging me. "Hey, are you asleep haha." I asked. "If you want we can just skip today and go on a date."

"No it's okay I'm good now." He told me. "I had to get up early just to wake you up so that's my reward."

"Oh ok can you let go then?" I asked. He didn't say anything but slowly let go of me. Afterwards, I got ready and we headed out the door.

"Bye guys see you guys later I guess." I said before leaving with Luke.

"I haven't been this early since middle school." I laughed. "Yeah me neither." He said. I knew something was bothering him.

"Hey what's wrong?" He looked at me took a deep breath, cringed, and said. "That looks empty let me fill it."

"Dude what?!" Then I saw him point at my hand. Oh, he wanted to hold my hand not- I reached for his hand and intertwined our fingers. "You know you can just ask next time instead of using those corny pickup lines."

"I know it's just that I wanted to do it." He said stuttering I haven't heard him stutter in a long time.
"You're so cute." I gave him a quick kiss, making him more flustered.

"Come on or we're going to be late." I started to walk a little faster. "Issac wait! Are we going to tell everyone that we're a couple?..."

"I mean sure they probably already have an idea. Why did you not tell your parents yet?"

"No I told them and they're happy it's just I'm not sure how everyone else will react... Can we wait?..."

"Yeah, sure of course just tell me when you're ready." I said giving him a soft smile.

"Thanks your the best." He said. "Is it fine if we tell Josh and Jacob though I feel like they deserve to know especially after... Besides I need to talk to Josh." I asked quietly looking away.

"Yeah, I was going to tell them actually." He said.

"Oh okay." I said.

When we got to school we acted normal which was a little harder to do than I thought. When we locked eyes I wanted to attack him with hugs, kisses, and all types of affection. But I resisted, I knew he was doing the same but he had more control over his emotions.

*Skip to Lunch*

"So... you guys have something to tell us don't you?..." Jacob said while taking a bit of his sandwich.

"Yeah... Do you guys have been acting weird and by weird I mean like you guys look like you want to make out right here right now.. It's making me uncomfortable." Josh said agreeing with his cousin.

"No we don't, why would you think tha-"

"Were we that obvious?!" I asked.

"... Bruh, you just exposed us." Luke said while facepalming.

Suddenly they were clapping. "Woppdy f*cking doo. Congrats, you guys finally confessed and got together." Jacob said sarcastically.

"Yeah, now we don't have to be third wheels without you guys knowing not knowing we're third-wheeling," Josh said while clapping.

Both our faces turned red. "What, how long have you guys known?!" Luke asked. "We all knew." Josh said. "Everyone at the school knew, some even placed bets." Jacob said snickering.


"Yeah, dude that's why I said you were the second to last person to know. Even the teachers knew." Josh said trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh." I was dumbfounded. Then I remembered something. "Oh yeah, Josh can I talk to you please."

"Sure what's up."

A/N: Daily reminder that you are single

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