King and King

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~Luke's Pov~
I woke up from my nap to a text.

Homeslice 🥴😏: hey I'm coming to pick you up you better be ready.

Ready for what?

Idiot prom is tonight. You asked me to be your date because we're dating remember 🤨


y do I even bother
yes it's tonight
you know what I'm outside your house open the door for me.

I rushed outside and opened my front house to see my boyfriend holding flowers. "Oh, that was fast. This is for you my dear."

I took the flowers from his hands "Thanks." I said. I gave him a hug. I was about to lean in for a kiss but I was interrupted by voices.

"Aww." my parents said.
"So it is true, you and Luke have finally started dating!" My mother said in a doting voice.
"Don't mind us keep going." My dad said.

"Mom Dad! What are you guys doing here?!" I'm so embarrassed right now. "We were having a moment, leave us alone."

"Oh okay, son just don't go too far." My mom said teasing us.
"Wha- leave us alone right now!" I yelled at them.

"Geez, dude no need to yell at your parents. That could be us one day." My boyfriend said laughing.

"I don't think it's funny we were having a moment. Besides, when we do get married I don't want us acting like that." I pouted. He just started to laugh harder. I took out my phone and took a picture of him.

"Hey what was that for?!"
"Nothing it's just my boyfriend is so handsome especially when he smiles."

"Well I guessed that's fair, I've sneaked tons of pics of you smiling too."
"I think that's illegal."
"Oh..." we both stood in an awkward silence before it was broken.

"If you kids keep standing there you're going to be late." Dad said.
"Yeah your dad is right you should get ready I'll wait here."

"Oh um okay, I'll try to hurry." I said before going to my room to change.

~3rd POV~
"He's so cute when he's flustered." Issac smiled to himself. I really am lucky to have a cute boyfriend like him. He thought.

He sat on the couch and went on his phone. After a while, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him. He slowly looked up. He was met with two pairs of twinkling eyes.

"Ahh! Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. How are you, what's up." Issac said he was a little scared but he was used to it. One of the reasons why Luke and he got along so well is because their parents were basically the same people.

"Sorry for startling you dear.." Luke's mom said. "We're just happy that you to are together. It's just when we heard you two were dating we were so happy. We always saw the way Luke looked at you and how he talking about you, and from the looks of it, you looked like you felt the same way." Her eyes were only getting brighter the more she talked. She reminds Issac of his mom.

"Yes it was so clearly obvious that you two liked each but you guys never realized it. So when he came out to us we were ecstatic. We always believed that humans should be treated with TLC you know. So when we asked why was he telling us this all of a sudden, he told us he had gotten himself a boyfriend." Luke's dad said, he didn't show as much emotion but from the way he was talking he was just as happy as his beloved.

"Oh yes, then he said it was you and we were just so happy. We had no problem with his girlfriends but he didn't treat them well, but with you, he treated you like a king. It was so cute. So tell us how did you two confess." Luke's mom said. Issac at this moment was starting to get a little overwhelmed. 'They are a lot like my family.' He thought.

He cringed a little when remembered the whole ordeal. "Oh well, um- it's a little embarrassing saying it out loud." He nervously put his hand on the back of his neck while chuckling.

"That's exactly what Luke said and did. You two really are soulmates." Mr. Brown said putting his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Well, I have an important question that I need to be answered." She said putting a hand under her chin.

"Of course ask away Mrs. Brown."
"Well the other day Luke came back home it wasn't exactly late but the sun was almost down, his hair was a mess and his face was extremely red. When we asked him what happened he just laughed and walked away. We know he doesn't get drunk so can you tell us what happened. You guys didn't do it, right? We don't mind because we know some kids are well you know engaged in that sort of activity, but we don't want our son going that far yet. Can you please wait until your older preferable after marriage?" She said. Issac looked over to Mr. Brown looking sort of shocked then nodding his head in agreement.

Issac could feel the blood rushing to my face. He nearly jumped out of my seat. "O-o-of course we wouldn't do that! It's just that we um- we- I!-"

"Mom! Dad! Leave him alone can't you tell you are making him uncomfortable!" Luke walked down in his tuxedo. Issac laid his eyes on his boyfriend, his eyes still lingering on him. He couldn't lie Luke looked so attractive in that suit. The more Issac saw and interacted with him the more he fell in love with Luke.

Issac couldn't help himself from doing a sappy smile. Luke's parents look at him and smirked.

"Oh, we're sorry honey it's just we wanted all the juicy details." Luke's mom said.
"Well don't ask him that, it's embarrassing and an invasion of privacy." Luke told his mom.

"Oh, we're sorry son if we made you feel like that. You know how parents get when their kid gets in a relationship." Mr. Brown hit Issac's back making him wince a little.

"No problem." he said still trying to recover. Luke grabbed Issac's hand and lead him to the door.
"Wait let me take some photos of you two!" Luke's mother said.
The couple stood in place and quickly smiled for some photos. But at this point Luke was pretty much done with his parents.

"We're already late. Come on let's go." Luke said as opened the door and started to leave.

Issac turned around and waved goodbye to his boyfriend's parents.

"Your folks are just as I remember." Issac said he was also laughing.

Luke looked a little annoyed. "I'm sorry about them you know they can be like that sometimes." We walked to his car.

"So are you ready for this? If you are still now ready we can skip and go on a date. I hear the amusement park is pretty nice this time of year." Issac told Luke. He doesn't want him to feel uncomfortable. "I'm absolutely fine with keeping our relationship a secret."

"You just want to make out again and no I'm completely fine with people seeing us." Luke told Issac.
"Oh, it's just you weren't a few days ago so I hope I'm not making you feel like you have to do this because of me..." I said.

"No, I'm fine with it besides I don't think anyone would care about it."

"Well if you say so, babe." He gave Luke a kiss on the back of his hand.

A/N: They really like kissing huh? Well, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 🤨

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