My Bad I was low on Sugar

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After the whole fiasco, we all went to our last period. That's when I got a text from Luke.

Og 😈🤝: Hey about what you said... just give me some time to think I need to figure a few things out first... 😓

I'm not going to respond to him right now, I'm too tired to even think about anything.

"Can Issac and Sam Johanson come to the office! Issac and Sam Johanson to the office please! Thank you." The voice over the intercom said.

Well, this day just keeps getting better.

I wonder what's it about.

Who am I kidding I know exactly what's it about I wonder who snitched? Maybe Josh trying to protect his "girlfriend." Or maybe it was Jacob trying to do the right thing. I know it wasn't Alisha she wouldn't do something like that, right?

Everyone looked at me when they heard my name and started to whisper.

This wasn't anything new I got in trouble a lot so hearing my name being called wasn't unusual, when it did happen (which was about every other week), they would try and guess what I did, before news got around.

By the time I got to the office, my mom and dad were there along with Lucas and Sam.

Lucas! He was the one who ratted me out! Well, I guess he did warn me.

"We're glad you're all here." My school counselor said. "We have something very serious to talk about..."

"Issac you know why you're here right?" He said.

"Let me guess I did something wrong?" I said trying to make light of the situation.

"Yes in fact this time it's so wrong that you can get expelled or even thrown in Juvy..."


"According to what Lucas said you attacked Sam multiple times and all over a boy. Honestly, a stupid reason to hurt someone." They said in a grave voice.

"If Sam wants they can press charges against you."


"Issac Andrew Johanson is this true you hurt your own sibling just because they were dating the person you liked?!" My mother yelled at me. She was oblivious upset.

"I knew we shouldn't have let them do that stupid plan. Look what happened." My father said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johanson please understand the situation right now; your son can go to jail! I don't know what this plan you guys speak of but now is it not the time." The councilor said.

"Of course we understand."

"Because he is one of our best and brightest students (both academically and in sports) we will let him get off with a month's suspension."

"But do realize that if he gets in trouble again even if it's a minor inconvenience he will be expelled. Which would be a shame considering this is his senior year."

"Yes, we understand and we will deal with him accordingly at home and during his suspension.." my dad said.

"Well, that will be all. His suspension starts immediately. Sam, you may go home if you want to clean up yourself or you can stay here. Lucas, please head back to class."

It was silent walking back to the car.

"Dad... are you going back to work?" my mom asked him.

"No, I decided to take the rest of the day off... we need to talk to our son about some things. We should have done this a long time ago."

"Yes, I agree." My mom said.

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry this is my fault, my blood sugar..." I said quietly. Regretting all my choices and questioning what went wrong in my life for it to get to this point.

My life sucks and I suck too.

A/N: You suck! (For)Get-get-get you! Yeah I hope we're still friends yea I hope you don't mind. Sitting alone. This song is stuck in my head, but it's pretty catchy ngl.

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