Too Late

193 7 6

TW: Violence
~Issac's POV~

This is it I'm going to tell him! I know that he's dating Sam but Sam will understand, right?

'Where are they anyway? they're not at the vending machines anymore?' I think while walking through the school halls.

"Hey, have you seen Sam or Luke anywhere?" I asked someone.
"No, I haven't."

I kept asking people till someone said that they saw them go on the stage.

'Why would they be on the stage? I mean I guess it makes sense cause they both like the fine arts.'

I can't wait to tell him! Maybe we can have our first date in the park. I'm starting to sound like a lovesick schoolgirl...

I finally reach the entrance to the auditorium. I put my hand on the door and open it...

~Alisha's POV~

"C'mon Lucas! We have to hurry!" I said while running through the halls.

"I am but you know I'm not as athletic as you!"

"Excuse me have you seen Issac Johanson anywhere?" I asked someone.
"Wow, it seems like everyone is looking for someone today... But yes I did see him he was heading to the stage I think." They said.
"Thank you so much."

I started running again before realizing I forgot something.

"Um... Lucas..."
"I haven't been here in a long time so..."
"Ugh, just follow me."
"You know me well, partner."
"Yeah yeah."

We kept running through the school before bumping into some.

"Shoot! I'm sorry."
"I told you you should watch where you're going."
"Shut up! Are you alrigh- What Alisha?! You're back?!"

"Yes, she is Josh but move we have to go and stop-"
"Yes, we're going after him too..." Another voice said. "Happy to see you again Alisha he smiled.

"Jacob! Josh! So you guys had the same idea too huh?" I said. I'm happy to see them again.

"Well of course they did they probably sensed something bad was going to happen." Lucas said while standing up.

"Well, hurry up let's go!"

We started to head to the auditorium again. Please let us get there in time...

~Issac's POV~

I open the door before stopping. My shoelaces had been untied and I had to retie them again. Ugh, all of this is stopping me. When I'm done tying my shoes. I look up and see...

My crush and my sister making out on the stage like they were acting out a scene in a movie...

'Huh... What did I expect... They were acting all lovey-dovey... but Sam knew I liked him so why?

That's when I felt something take over me.

I heard voices in the background telling me to stop but I ignored them...

"SAM!" I screamed.

Both of them were surprised.

That's when I walked up to her and slapped her.

I usually never hit anyone not to mention get mad. But all the times I did get mad she was the center of it.

She and Luke were more surprised than when I stopped their "make out" session.

"Issac what the heck?!" They both yelled at me.

I hit her again and again...

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