(PG) Parental Guidance

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When we got home the house was quiet.

I assumed that John and Charlotte were either spying on us or hanging out somewhere.

My dad told me to go to the dining room table and wait there. I could hear them talk in the living room.

"What are we going to do?..."
"I don't know..."

"He's always been like this but I never thought we would go as far as to attack Sam like that... I mean we knew things could go wrong but now there's a chance he might not even be able to go to college..."

"I won't allow that to happen. And I know you won't either. Back in the day, you wouldn't let anyone treat you or the ones you love wrongly so what's going on."

"I know but..."
"It's okay we'll talk to him."

I heard them stop talking then walk to the dining room. That's when my mother slapped me across my face.

"Do you know why I did that?" She said.
"You probably wanted me to realize what Sam felt when I hit her out of nowhere," I said.

"Yes that's right. You are a smart child. Which is why I don't understand how you can do that to your sibling? So talk to us what was going through your head."

"I dunno." I said in a quiet voice. I don't want to deal with this right now.

"Son you know that's not going to work. We have let you get away with this for too long!" My dad said raising his voice a little.

"I- I don't know I guess I was just mad at her..."

"You see that's your first problem. You never know what's going on... And I expect you to call your sibling according to the way they want you to from now." My mom said.

"Yes, mom..."

"Good. So tell us what really happened."

"Do you want me to start from the beginning or?..." I asked.

"For goodness sakes, yes son start from the beginning we want to help you!" My dad said raising his voice a little higher this time.

"Alisha..." I said. "It started with her and when she left..."

"I'm not sure if you knew this but I was pretty upset when she left... I cried nearly every day... On top of that, we were in quarantine so I couldn't see or talk to anyone in person.

"That's when Luke came and helped me recover."

"When things calmed down he came over and told me that everything eventually was going to be okay... I guess just being there was enough for me to fall for him."

"I remember once I was crying so much that he gave me a hug, pulled me close to his chest, let me hear his heartbeat."

"To be honest he was the type of guy to believe stupid stuff off the internet and one of them was that if you let someone hear your heartbeat you'll calm down."

"I guess the more surprising part is that it worked... eventually I did calm down. And just listened."

"After a while, I realized what the situation was and I felt my face turning red I didn't pull away, I guess it was because I didn't want to..."

"Besides he was already sleeping. So I just help our position and listened to his heart a little more before falling asleep in his arms..."

"I guess my feelings grew from there without me even knowing."

"He's so stupid... And I love him so much..."

"Aww!" My parents said. "That's so cute!"

I could feel the blood rush to my face. "Mom! Dad!" I said in embarrassment.

"But he'll probably never talk to me again especially after I hit his "lover" and the way I confessed to him..."

"I deserve it thought after years of being homophobic and unfair to my own brother and sist- I mean sibling..."

Their smiles faded. "I'm sorry son... sure you might have been ignorant but you have gotten better. I can tell that boy has changed you." Dad said while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, I agree. And no matter what he thinks we will always love and accept you." Mom said hugging me.

"Thanks, guys.." I said.

"Wait! We love you too little bro!" My older siblings exclaimed before smothering me in hugs. I knew they were spying.

"Yes, even I! Have emotional connections! You
are that important to me. Sometimes I guess..." Sam announced their presence kitchen loud and proud.

"Sam! I- wait what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I couldn't bear staying in school looking like this besides I had to take care of some things."

"Like what?" I asked. I could hear John and Charlotte chuckling in the background.

Wait don't tell me.

That's when Sam left and brought something back in their arms or should I say, someone.

There was Luke holding, my sibling's hand.

He let go of their hand, walked over to me, took my hand into his, and lead us outside. He didn't even say anything.

A/N: Spoiler: He rejects then, he hate crimes him. 😐 /s /j /srs

Also just know that everyone should be accepted and loved.

Issac and Alisha dated for a year in 9th grade and broke up when she moved away at the end of 9th grade.

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