Dear Diary

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Dear diary,

I’ve had the best day,

He finally said hey.

Walking through the school,

I’m not very cool.

But that’s okay,

Since he finally said hey.

Dear diary,

He watched me get shoved,

Saw how I felt unloved.

He did nothing,

Not a single thing.

Cruel words spilling from their smile,

They are the reason nights last a while.

I just need some hope,

So I can cope.

Dear diary,

He laughed at me,

When I was cut down like a tree.

The things they say, those girls,

Leave my mind in a swirl.

I hate school,

I just look like a fool

Dear diary,

He invited me to come over,

I feel like a four leaf clover.

He took my virginity

Our love will last for infinity.

I feel so happy,

He was very sappy,

I think it’ll last,

We had a blast.

Dear diary,

Everything is going blurry,

Everyone laughed at me today,

Everything is turning gray.

He told them everything,

Broke up with me,

I felt like drowning at sea.

Dear diary,

Life is trying me

I’m picking up the pens,

I just want to stab again,

I don’t know if I can manage

My heart needs a bandage.

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