Broken Bottles | Nate

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I remember when I left. It was to go for a month. I'd be staying at my cousin, Jack's, house, which he owned with his best friend Jack Johnson. Their best friends Nate and Sammy lived with them as well. I'd known them all since I was little; every time my mother and I would go to Jack's house to visit, I'd go everywhere with Jack. He was my best friend and still is.

I'd go everywhere with him and his friends. When Jack met Jack, I met Jack. Same for Nate and Sammy. The three had became my friends as well. When the boys had reached junior year and they could drive, I began to go to parties as well. I was a sophomore now, so it was ok. One of the guys would always stay with me over very close by to make sure I was okay. I never drank, and never planned on it. Drinking wasn't my thing. My father drank and so did my mother, and I did not like what it had done to them. They became different characters, fights breaking out between them. I was only six, and I new very well what a bottle of beer looked like, which was something a six year old shouldn't have known.

My parents split a year later, and I never heard from my father. He moved across the country and kept no contact. I had no clue where he was, to be honest. I guess that was my mother's wake up call. She stopped drinking and straightened up- all for me and I couldn't be any more grateful for her.

So alcohol wasn't my forte, and the guys knew that. Never once was I pressured by them to drink, nor did they get completely drunk around me. They respected me, and I respected them.

Now I'm twenty-one and finally leaving the nest. I was off to live with the guys for two months before I would start to look into college. I didn't really want to go, but there was nothing else for me, no fame rising like my boys, no million dollars in mom's bank account, neither in my very old grandparents' will. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, and I didn't want to go back and be trapped in school for another four years. I loved school, I was just mentally drained. I guess that was one of the main reasons for going to see my boys, I needed a little fun.

The drive to jacks house was long and stressful. Honking my horn at the obnoxious drivers whom don't know how to stay in their lane was a main reason. Constantly I had to bite my lip and hold down my hand to prevent flipping them off, which wouldn't be the worst thing I could've done, but I was trying to be nice. Another factor was the annoying sound of my GPS, which I had named Daniel, for I knew a Daniel who never shut up. However, I would never have found Jack's house if it weren't for Daniel, so I guess he's pretty chill now.

Several, and I do mean several, Dairy Queen milkshakes later, I found myself parking my old, beat up jeep in Jack's driveway. The house he shared with Jack was crazy. It was huge, and a really beautiful home. However, due to the other couple cars around, I knew I wasn't the only visitor. I don't mind company, in fact I love meeting new people, I just looked like absolute crap after the few hour drive. As I stepped out of my jeep, I grabbed my two insanely heavy bags and my backpack. Slinging my backpack over my shoulders, I began to trudge up to the door. When I was a few feet away, I heard the jingling of the doorknob, and soon watched the door swing open.

"(Y/n)!" I heard a voice yell. Johnson.

"Johnson!" I imitated. I flinched when I saw his lanky body running towards me. His arms wrapped around me tightly, warmth filling me. I dropped my duffle bag from the force of the hug and impact, but it only made me giggle. I reached up and ruffled Jack's blonde hair, which agitated him.

"Normally," he said reaching for my fallen bag, "good god what do you have in here?" I giggled a little before he got back on track.

"Normally, I'd get you for that, but I've missed you too much." He laughed and slung his arm across my slumping shoulders.

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