Chapter 25 "Curious Eyes"

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Ian seemed to have lost his shyness. He took a step closer to me and his hands went to my hips. He lightly tugged my underwear and raised an eyebrow at me.

"That's fair. Turn around though." I ordered.

"Come on. You saw me naked." Ian whined. His hands trailed up to my stomach.

"I never asked to see your rock hard body. You just chose to show me. Maybe I'll show you next time. Now turn around." I said as I grabbed the shorts and then pushed him away. He staggered back and finally turned around.

I took off the underwear and then put the shorts on. This felt so weird and awkward. I've always worn underwear.

"May I look now?" Ian asked as he turned around and had his right hand over his eyes. I laughed at him.

"Here you go." I said as I folded my I underwear and handed it to him.

He smiled at me. "Thanks. I'll come visit you in a bit. First I'm going to talk to my father. Don't worry about this." Ian said as he kissed my forehead.

"I will worry. I'll handle this." I said as I started walking to the door.

"Melanie! Let me first try and then we can try your plan. Deal?" Ian asked me.

I opened the door."Will see." I said and then ran out.

Henry caught up to me and I let him pass me up. He led me back to the dungeon. "Henry?" I said to get his attention just as we stopped in front of the dungeon.

"Yes." Henry said as he opened the door.

"May I please have the cell next to my dad?" I asked as I walked in.

"Sorry. If I do that then they will know you got out. You have to stay with your father." Henry said. His brown eyes looked apologetic. I just nodded. He opened the cell door and locked it behind me. My dad was now doing crunches next to the bed.

"How did it go?" My father asked. He wasn't even out of breath. I herd the big thud of the dungeon door close just as Henry left.

"Fine." I said as I sat down on the floor and remembered I didn't have any underwear. My thoughts went back to Ian and his kisses. My chest felt a little sore but it made me smile back to the memory. He is just so perfect. I can't wait to make more memories with him.

"You smell weird. Did you throw yourself at the alpha?" My father asked me.

He completely ruined my buzz! "No! Gross! I'm still a virgin!" I snapped at my dad. I looked over at him and growled.

" Thats a relief." Jason said as he came into the dungeon. His hair was just clean cut and he had a clean new grey shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.

"It's none of your business!What are you doing here?" I snapped at him. Why would the Moon Goddess have me be with these two. I must have done something really bad to upset her.

"Your father has ordered me to check up on y--" Jason didn't finish because my father cleared his throat. I looked over at my dad and he stopped doing crunches. "I mean to check up on him." Jason said slowly and locked eyes with my father. It seemed he chose his words carefully. Something was up.

"What's going on with you and Ali?" I asked. I still remembered how she had practically attacked me after I had the encounter with Jason last time.

Jason just shrugged and pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket."For you alpha." Jason said as he held it out between the bars. My dad got up and ran past me. He snatched the paper from Jason's hand and looked it over.

He started nodding his head. "First section 4, then 2, then 1, and last 0."

I got up on my feet and went to my fathers side. "What's this?" I asked.

My father crumbled the paper and handed it back to Jason. "It's none of your concern." My dad said in his alpha tone.

"Alpha I need your help again. The feelings have come back." Jason said.

"Feelings? What are you talking about?" I asked as I wrapped my arms over my chest. Who did he have feelings for? Both of them were getting annoying.

"Not here! Jason! Come back later!" My dad ordered. Jason shook his head.

"If I go now she will tempt me. She says she has a surprise when I come back. I can't fight her anymore. She is trying even harder. Destiny seems to be helping her get new ideas." Jason said as he bowed his head to my father.

"Fine! Sit down." My dad ordered and Jason obeyed.

"Destiny is helping who? Is it Alli?" I asked. Jason's eyes shot up and looked at me. I first saw a glance of hurt but it disappeared and was covered by anger. "It's Alli!" I said with glee." I'll play detective if they won't tell me anything.

"Melanie just shut up and sit down." My dad said in his alpha tone. My body obeyed and I sat down where I had been. I still had so many questions but my mouth wouldn't budge.

"I'm ready." Jason sighed. He didn't seem to happy about this.

"Listen carefully. You will not be tempted by your mate, you will ignore her, you will stay clear of her path. Focus all your feelings on Melanie. " My dad was ordering in his alpha tone.

My mouth went dry. This is what has happened to my best friend. It hasn't been him it's been my dad. Jason isn't the bad guy. My dad is! Anger shook my wolf and my hands felt so empty. They needed to be filled with my dads neck between them. My hands reached out for him but I couldn't move my bottom. My hands were inches away from my dad. In my mind I was yelling out monster and sicko!

"Transfer all your feelings from Alli to Melanie. Melanie is your world. Follow these orders or you will take a knife and plunge it in your heart." My dad ordered.

I felt pity for Jason. My dad can't do this! I tried to wiggle toward my dad but it was futile. All of this was.

"Yes alpha. I understand." Jason said. He stood up and looked at me. A smile spread over his lips and he bowed his head at me. "I'll be back for you Melanie. I apologize for the fight we had last time we talked. I deserved it. I love you." Jason said and then he walked out of the dungeon.

Poor Jason. He was so loyal to my dad and it was all for nothing. We are all puppets to my dads sick twisted mind.

My dad turned to look at me with his green eyes. Fear came over me and I dropped my hands to my sides. What if he did the same thing to me? He wouldn't. He doesn't even think that Ian is my mate.

"Now it's your turn. I've herd enough of Ian. Now stay frozen and close your eyes." There was nothing I could do but obey. My eyes shut and I kept visualizing Ian on his bed. "Now focus on my words. When asked if Ian is your mate you will answer no. When ever you see Ian you will replace him with Jas--" my dad couldn't finish because the dungeon door opened.

"Melanie!" I herd Ian's sweet voice. Please let me still be able to see him. My dad didn't even finish saying it.

"Melanie open your eyes. You may speak of only things that have happened when I wasn't their."My dad ordered.

I looked over at Ian and still saw him. No Jason! Thank the Moon Goddess!"Ian. My love. I missed you."

I saw Thomas right next to him. Ian was dressed in dark jeans and a blue quicksilver T-shirt. His hair was gelled back and he looked so much older. Thomas had lighter hair and even some grey patches. His body looked tired and he seemed to be walking with a limp.

"I've come to ask you something. Ian seems to be bewitched by you and I need to know the truth before I decide whether to kill you." Thomas said it in a bored tone. Like killing someone isn't nothing!

"Go ahead and ask away." I said in clear confidence.

"Are you Ian's mate?" Thomas asked.

The command! I looked at my dad and he had an evil smile come over him. I'm done with him!

"Thomas please ask me the question a different way. I beg you." I asked.

Thomas raised an eyebrow at me. "The question is very clear. Is Ian your mate?" He asked me.

"No he is not." I said.

Ian's entire smile dropped and his face paled. "There we go. See I told you son." Thomas said.

"No way." Ian stated.

"I'm more then that. He is a part of me and I can't live without him. I love Ian." I said triumphantly. I went around my dads order. I didn't say mate.

"Alright fine. Charges will be dropped from you but we need some time to decide on your father. He is to crazed." Thomas said.

Happiness came over me. He said I was free. Thomas is letting me go. Now I can be in Ian's arms and kiss his soft lips.

"You ruined everything!" My dad yelled as he got up and tackled me down. I couldn't move. He had ordered me to stay frozen.

My head connected with the cement and I could feel hot trails of blood come pouring down the side of my face. Ian's hands reached for the cell door and he swung it open.

"Charlie and Henry get in here!" Thomas yelled.

"Thomas help! My dad has done something to me before this but I can't tell you." I said. My dad lingered on top of my right side and I felt him punch my right side.

"You smell of the young boys saliva. What did you do?" My father asked me.

Soon he was tackled down by Charlie and Henry. The pain was almost to much to bare. Thomas face was in complete horror. Charlie had to inject my dad with a drug and he knocked out. Then he picked me up carefully and carried me out of the dungeon.

"Everything will be okay." Charlie told me. His brown eyes scanned over my body.

"Ian. Ian. Ian." I kept saying over and over again.

Charlie didn't seem to like that but soon I found Ian walking next to us. He reached out and squeezed my left hand.

"It's okay. I'm here. Our doctor will look at you and then will talk about your dad." Ian said reassuringly.

"Charlie take her to the car. She is leaving right now. Her pack needs her." Thomas ordered.

"Wait I need to tell you what happened! My dad he is a bad man. He did something to Jason and me. It's a comm-" I couldn't say anymore. My lips wouldn't let me. Soon we arrived to a red BMW. Charlie set me down in the back seat.

"Take her to the Harvesting Pack." Charlie ordered the driver.

"No! Listen!" I yelled but he shut the door in my face.

"Melanie!" Ian yelled.

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