✿Finally Fessing Up!✿

117 17 14

With your host: @AnIdiotOnTheInternet

Hello! This month I chased down the unlucky @kaidono , @Highchou , and @papez123 and made them answer this odd questions! But enough with my babble! Let's get started!


1. What is the luckiest  thing that has ever happened to you?

@kaidono: I would say the luckiest thing might be... Finding a hundred bucks on the ground? (Materialistic-wise). Otherwise I would say meeting my friends :).

@papez123: Luckiest thing that's ever happened to me?? Eh. I'm not a real lucky person. So like. Nothing. 

@Highchou: *looks serious* being the very best, that no one ever was. Catching them, my real test, training them, my cause. Travelling across the land, searching far and wide, teaching pokemon to understand the POWER THAT'S INSIIIIIIIII--*smacked* wow. I'm surprised I was even allowed to go that far. But nah XD the luckiest thing that ever happened to me was getting accepted into university! :D I've met so many great people, and gained a lot of life experience, and improved my writing and art a ton.

 2. Do you pinch your friends when they don't wear green on St. Patrick's? Or are you the one being pinched?

@kaidono: I'm usually the one being pinched-- that is, if they celebrate St. Patrick's day.

@papez123: Both. I always forget but I'll still pinch them idc. 

@Highchou:  I almost definitely am the one getting pinched and finding ways for VENGEANCE later, vengeful acts of which only happen 9 times out of 10 xD. And then my friends are all ";A; what was that for Julie?" And I'm just "yeah. Remember St. Patrick's day? When you pinched me? Yeah. Uh-huh. Remember the name. Spit FIYA!"

3. Who do you think is the luckiest character in Naruto? Why?

@kaidono: Sasuke is the luckiest character. He had a support system willing to bring him from hell and back, and it takes some very special people to put up with his ass for so long. He was granted with very lucky people.

@papez123: Probably Naruto, himself. Like, how are you not dead.

@Highchou: Oh gees um. I thiiiiiiiink I AM THE LUCKIEST NARUTO CHARACTER--*bricked* actually i think Akamaru is the luckiest. Pup has successfully lived into old age, go him! XD (he's also my favorite, shh don't tell. I want like ninety of him. PUPPIESSSSS)

4. What is the unluckiest thing that has ever happened to you?

@kaidono: Unluckiest thing would be... Tripping and falling on my face in public


@Highchou:  The unluckiest thing...is probably my skin color, not that I hate it. I love my skin, every inch of it, but because of the color I am i have to prove myself in society and work harder and be a boss a$$ bish, which, now that I've seen how it is for other people not me just handed things, I have no problem with. Success and happiness and laugh, no matter what is the motto. 

5. Which Naruto character do you want to pinch you?~ *wink wink* *nudge nudge* >;{D

@kaidono: Itachi of course ;D please pinch me Itachi ty 

@papez123: Naruto. He's my bb. Love of my life retweet amen,

@Highchou: Oh gosh you KNOW the one I want to pinch me is Zabuza Muhfuggin Momochi, booooooiiiiiiii! B))))) get me with them TEETH, hallelujah (but not too hard you arsehole I'll kick a hot booty >:D) Uptown FUNK me UP, gdi.


Amazing answers from amazing people! So go check'em out! 

I'm your host,  @AnIdiotOnTheInternet feel free to check me out too!~~

I'll see ya next month my lovelies!~

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