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“Nobody can determine…another’s destiny.” – Neji Hyuuga

Some people believe destiny is a preset path that we must follower.  One such individual was Neji Hyuuga.  However, before our eyes during the battle between him and Naruto, something changed in him.  He learned that we choose our own destiny, and he is very right.

Every single choice we make, it is our choice.  It was not predetermined by somebody else.  Who we are to be is not decided by somebody else.  It rides completely on our shoulders.  Sure, there are many stories where someone is “destined” to do something.  They are still the ones who choose to do it, though.  They could choose to go completely evil.  Fun story twist, don’t you think?  But it’s the same in real life.  No matter what someone says we are destined for, that is not true.

We can go anywhere we choose.  Are there are times great risks that make it seem otherwise?  Yes, there most definitely is.  But who we are isn’t predetermined by some mysterious writer we don’t know about.  That is the joy of free will.  So, please, never let someone say that you are never going to leave where you are. 

For example, Naruto was said to always be destined to be a failure by Neji.  Nobody can tell you this.  Well, they can, but their words have no meaning.  Your “destiny” is going to lead you wherever you wish.  Pave your own and path and follow it.  Others have no right to decide that for you.  The past also does not decide no matter what where you are going.  There is nothing that can limit you except yourself.  Always have faith in yourself, because as long as you fight without cease, your “destiny” will be whatever you want it to be.

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