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Jayda's POV 💜•

Literally what is wrong with me? Why would I invite her to lunch with us?

"Oh baby Im actually on my way to the airport right now but when I come back Imma hold you to that lunch date." I smiled at her. "Im looking forward to it Mrs. Brewster." She waved her hand at me. "Jayda please just call me Faith. Anyways I gotta go before I miss my damn flight." She hugged Dave and kissed his cheek and I thought she was just gonna walk out but she stopped to hug and kiss me on the cheek. "Bye Ms. Xela." She hugged her too. "Byeee Faiffy!" Xela said messing up her name. "I'll see yall later." She closed the door behind her and she was gone.

"Oh my fucking god. Can I get a little bit of a warning next time?!" I started freaking out and he just laughed at me. "Its not funny. I was so nervous my under boobs are sweating." I fanned my face. He sat on his desk while I tried to cool myself down.

"Baby why didnt you tell your mom about me?" I felt a wave of insecurity wash over me. "I told her about you but just not who you are or how we met." Yep that totally made me feel better but i just need to brush it off.

I got up feeling kinda weird about the way he was acting but again I brushed it off. "Mommy can we go now?" Xela pulled on my purse. "yea come on lets go to the cafe." I didnt feel like driving so we going to the little diner thing downstairs. "You want your usual?" I asked Dave and he nodded, not looking up from his work. I went to the cafe and ordered our food.

We went downstairs in the elevator and went straight to the cafe. I ordered Dave his usual chicken tenders and fries with a strawberry banana smoothie and me and Xela got the same thing. While we waited for the food we sat down at a table and put Xela on my lap. "Mommy I watch Cocomelon?" Xela asked me. I put her in the seat across from me so she can prop her iPad up. I turned it on and put the stand down so she could watch it without having to hold it. I was scrolling through instagram when I heard somebody say "Since when did he let employees do that!" I turned around and saw Kim. She was the annoying white bitch in the office, who thinks she is above me because she's...well white. But the girl literally has been stuck at an entry level employee since I came here... 2 years ago.

She asked me where I shopped one time and Im not no gatekeeper so I told her and the next day she had on the same outfit I had on the day before head to toe, like same hair and all. Like what?

"Hey Jayla, does Mr. Brew-." I cut her off. "Thats not my name, try again." She rolled her eyes. "Jayda.. does Mr. Brewster know that you have a child here in the office?" She said like she was disgusted. "I mean I just assumed he didnt care about children in the office since he hired you." I shrugged. She gasped, "Dont test me, I'll have you and your thing kicked out of here on your ass!" I laughed in her face, I swear I tried to hold it in. "Babes what makes you of all people think you have control over what the hell I do? Literally who do you think you are? You are an entry level bitch who gets paid entry level money. Try me again when you get to my level." She stood there with her mouth twisted up. "I'm going straight to Mr. Brewster about this!" I shrugged, "Go ahead. You can meet me in my office whenever you're ready because you know you gotta go through there to get to him." I fake smiled at her.

"Order for Mr. Brewster." I heard the cashier call out. "Thank you so much have a great rest of your day." I grabbed the food bag and went back upstairs holding Xela's hand.

"Mommy was dat weird lady being mean to us?" Xela looked up at me. "No but she was trying.. We are way too strong for people to be mean to us." She showed me her muscles, "Yup, wook mommy I strong!" The elevator beeped when it got to our stop. "Come on lets give Davey his food." We walked to his office. "Can I hold it?" I handed her the bag but not the drinks. "Dont drop it."

I opened the door for her, "We brought you food Mr. Brewsa" Xela skipped over to him. She put the food on his desk, "Thank you ." I sat down in front of him and Xela climbed into the chair next to me. I put her food in front of her and opened her sauces. "Tank you mommy." She almost immediately started eating.

I swear she act like I dont feed her. I turned her show back on and put it in front of her. "Oh, I needa let you know my brother is coming in today to take over for me for the rest of the day." I drank some of my smoothie. "Why? Where are you going?" He shifted in his chair. "Well Im going home. But I meant to tell you today but then my mom came then you left to get lunch... Anyway he's taking over the company." I know my facial expression wasnt nice because he took a deep breath.

"Why? I mean like... no thats exactly what I meant. Why?" I asked him. "Because I feel like I need to move on from this office at this point in my life." He made circles with his hands. I felt a little taken aback by that answer. I looked over at Xela and saw she was falling asleep on his couch.

"Wh- Uh why didnt you tell me this?" He shrugged. "I didnt think this was something that my assistant needed to know." I scoffed. "Assistant... So now thats all I am to you? Your assistant?" I stood up. "Then maybe you can find yourself a new 'assistant', because I quit."

I picked a sleeping Xela up of the couch and left into my office.

I locked the door behind me and laid her down on my couch and I paused for a second and started tearing up.

Ugh why am I so fucking emotional right now?!

I left my shit and I'll ask Milan to pick it up for me because I dont want to be here anymore. I grabbed my purse and Xela's backpack and picked her up.

I walked out the office with Xela in my arms and tears started coming down slowly.

I gave myself to him... He knew what I went through and he still fucking hurt me. I fucked him and he lost feelings like what the actual fuck is wrong with me. Why do I always pick the wrong fucking ones! I let him around my daughter, hell she loves him even looks up to him as her damn dad and now its all over. I tried so hard to make things work. I let him in. I LET HIM IN...but once I gave it up he gave up on us. But it was "anything for her" "always and forever" yea right.. fuck him.

I was knocked out of my trance when I heard a deep voice yell my name. I continued buckling Xela in and ignored the voice, I dont have the energy to talk to anyone right now. I felt so drained all of a sudden. I was about to get in the car when I saw Dave running towards my car at full speed. I got in the car and closed the door but I guess it wasn't fast enough because he caught it. "Jayda wait.. I- I didnt mean what I said." I smiled at him. "Yea but I meant what I said." I closed the door and turned my car on. "Im done." 

I left. I left him standing in the parking lot looking like a sad puppy. I decided to just drive to Jayden's school since I had nothing better to do since I just quit my job.

Welp good thing I have my modeling to lean on. Full time modeling here I come.

Anything For Her ~ Dave East x Jayda WaydaWhere stories live. Discover now