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Jayda's POV 💜•

I surprised Xela and Jayden with a short trip to the San Diego Zoo.

It was pretty early and I was getting Xela ready. "Mommy, I wear hair in 2 ponytails." I smiled at her. "We did you hair last night already." I took off her scarf. "Jayden lets go!" He always take the longest in the morning. "You want mcdonalds?" I asked Xela because I did not feel like cooking. She nodded. "Good." I finished getting her ready and I went to put my clothes on quickly.

It was gonna be hot in San Diego but we were staying late so I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a white crop top. I slipped on my royal blue Jordan 1's. I put the stuff that was in my purse in a small backpack. I went in Xela's room and packed her a pair of extra clothes and some pampers in case she had an accident.

I put some snacks and waters in Xela's bag and I grabbed her stroller out of the closet. "Jayda you ready?" Jordan asked me when I went in the living room. I nodded. "Yes, but take this." I handed him the heavy ass stroller.

I grabbed our bags and we headed out the door. We went downstairs and Jayden put the stroller in the trunk while I buckled Xela in. "Mommy we go see aminals." She laughed. "No Xela we are seeing animals." I corrected her. She hates when people try to correct her.

I ignored her and got in the drivers seat. "Ok, we have a hour drive, so you can play whatever you want." I told Jayden and he connected his phone.

I stopped at McDonalds and got us some breakfast sandwiches. I ate while we drove all the way to San Diego. "Mommy, I finish." Xela tried to hand me her wrappers. "Jayden can you grab that from her please." He put her empty wrapper in the bag. "Can you put that orange juice in her cup so she wont spill it all over my car please." He transferred the juice and handed it to her. "Tank you juju." I have no idea where that nickname came from, but thats what she calls him.

We finally made it to the zoo and I just woke Xela up. I was surprised because it took me loss than 5 minutes to find a parking space. I guess its not that packed today. Thank god. "Jayden can you let her out while I get the stroller." I got the stroller out of the trunk and put her back pack underneath her seat. I got her sippy cup out the back seat and it on the tray.

Jayden put her in her stroller and we went to go inside. There was absolutely no line to go in. "Is it closed or something?" Jayden asked. "They wouldn't let me book the tickets for today if it was."

We walked up to the entrance. "Ticket?" I handed him all three of our tickets. "Do you mind me asking why there is so little people here today. It is usually packed." I asked the ticket guy. "Well, this guy rented out the park today and said to only allow limited access, so if you purchased your rickets a couple weeks ago, then you get allowed in." I nodded. "Thats kinda inconsiderate but whatever." "Yeah, well have a good time." "Thank you."

We went inside and we saw a little bit of people. "Ok we are gonna start here and go to the back then come back up because I do not want to get lost." I told Jayden and he grabbed a map. "This'll help."

We went to the first animal exhibit and it was flamingos. "Mommy I get out." I took her out the stroller so she can walk herself. "Xela what color are they?" She tapped her chin like she was thinking. "Dey pink!" "Good job Xela!"

We just looked at the animals for about another couple hours. "Jayda Im hungry." Jayden told me. "Ok, look for somewhere to eat on the map and we can stop for a little bit." Xela was fascinated by the giraffes.

"Mommy look thats Davey." I laughed. "Xela thats not nice." She slapped my leg. "No mommy thats Davey." I looked at where she was pointing and it was definitely Dave's fine ass. "Mommy I go say hi." I saw that he was with a little girl. "Xela I think he's busy. Let's go eat." I pulled her by her arm. "Mommy no! HI DAVEY!" Xela screamed. "Seriously, I said no." I picked her up. "Whos Davey?" Jayden asked me. "My boss." "The guy thats flying us to Miami, shii I wanna meet him too." I rolled my eyes and I saw him walking over towards us. "Hii Xela!" She reached for him to pick her up. "Is it ok?" I nodded. He grabbed her and played with her. "You must be Jayden." He held his hand out to shake Jayden's. "Yea, that mean you Dave."

Anything For Her ~ Dave East x Jayda WaydaWhere stories live. Discover now