Chapter 24: Finally Over

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Jeremiahs eyes bulged out his head. The other pack members glanced around nervously. Zeke, on the other hand, looked livid. There was practically steam coming out of his ears.

"That's her! Your majesty, that's the witch." Zeke said, taking a step towards me. He stopped when the other doors opened and the rescued pack members walked in. Jeriah ran straight for Ella and Skylar, like he was supposed to. Jeremiah watched his every step with a pained expression, then his eyes darted back to me. I smiled slightly and nodded at him. Zeke looked at the faces of each of them as they glared at him. Standing in front of him now, after all this time, they were no longer afraid. They gave me the confidence I needed.

"No, that would be my mate." Nik said, going down a step on the dais. "She is also my fiancé and future queen."

"I told you that she's a witch. She must of cast a spell on you." Zeke sputtered. "You should take her into custody before she's killed us all."

"He won't be doing that." I said as I started walking. "He knows I'm not a witch. In fact, he knows everything about you."

"I doubt that." He said with a scoff. "And what lies have you been telling, Johanna? That's all you're good for. Spreading lies."

Jeremiah looked him with that same hatred as before. All of a sudden, his face changed. Like he was straining. I realized a second later that he was fighting Zeke's alpha order.

"I told Nikos the truth about everything." I told Zeke, bringing Jeremiahs attention back to me. "I told him about the abuse, the fact that you raped me, all of it."

"Like I said. Lies." Zeke chuckled. He looked back at Nik. "Your majesty, none of what she's saying is true."

"So you're calling my mate a liar?" Nik asked, cocking his head to the side. "Do you know what happens when you complete the mating bond? When you give your mate the mark?"

"No, I wouldn't know." Zeke said through gritted teeth. "I never completed the fake bond between the two of us. I had my suspicions that she was a witch from the beginning."

"Well, I'll enlighten you then." Nik said, taking another step down. "When you complete the bond, all your memories are shared. Every single one of them. So you see, I've seen everything you ever did to her."

"They're lies that she's planted in your head." Zeke practically yelled. He was starting to sweat as he looked back at me. I smiled as I started walking around the room again. "She even sent someone to kidnap her little brother."

"I was the one who went and got her brother. And all the others." Nik said with a smile. Zeke immediately looked shocked. "It was very easy, by the way. In and out in less than an hour. I was also the one who killed your men that day they tried to take her."

"I don't understand why you're doing this." Zeke said, looking even more nervous.

"You know exactly why this is happening." Nik said, taking the last step down. "You are a monster. You abused Johanna for years. And you were cruel to her little brother. When I went to get Jeriah, he was locked in a bedroom under your orders."

"Well if the little brat would have listened to me, I wouldn't have had to do that." Zeke hissed. Gasps rang out as Jeriah broke from Ella and ran up to Zeke. I almost laughed as he landed a punch to Zeke's knee and then another to his groin. Zeke groaned as Jeriah ran back to hide behind Ella. I guess the little bit of training came through and gave him confidence. It was a dangerous move but a confident one.

I noticed that the pack warriors, including Jeremiah, had slowly stepped back away from Zeke, putting some distance between them. I took my chance to make my towards Jeremiah, Luka trailing closely behind me. I stopped when we stood face to face.

"Hello, you big brute." I said, smiling sweetly. "I've missed you."

"Hey, trouble maker." He said quietly. "I've missed you too. I'm happy to see you made it somewhere safe."

"I did." I laughed. "Jer, do you remember that game we used to play? The one we played all the time growing up?"

His eyes crinkled in confusion as he looked at the floor, thinking. We'd always been able to read each others mind without actually using the mindlink. I just hoped it worked now.

'Come on, Jer. Figure it out. You know what I'm trying to tell you.' I kept thinking.

'He'll figure it out.' Lyla said in the back of my mind. 'He's smart. He'll know what you're trying to tell him.'

Suddenly, his eyes snapped to mine. Bingo. His eyes went wide as he glanced at Zeke then back to me. I nodded, confirming what he was thinking. He slowly reached out and moved me behind him. Luke stepped behind me to keep me protected from Zeke's men.

"What's going on?" Zeke demanded. Nik gave him a wicked smile. "I want to know what she's talking about."

"She's talking about the game that her and Jeremiah used to play." Nik said, walking up to Zeke. "They used to pretend that he was the alpha. And now he gets to be."

A black cloud erupted from Nik, identical to the one that day in the forest. Jeremiah pushed me further back away from them. There were a few grunts and then a final scream. A few of the pack members looked at each other nervously again. The cloud slowly subsided and there was Nik, standing nonchalantly. At his feet, Zeke lay dead and, just like that, it was all over.

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