Chapter 10: Confession

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Nik took me straight up to my room and dropped me off. He had shifted back to his human form on the way up and removed the ropes that were binding me. I took the time to shower and breathe for a minute. So much had just happened and truthfully, I was terrified. Zeke was still coming after me. I heard the door to my room open so I got out of the shower. After wrapping up in a robe, I walked out of the bathroom to see Nik sitting at the window seat. He still looked so angry.

"Hey." I said quietly as I sat next to him. "Are they gone?"

"They're dead." He said, his eyes cold as ice. "Why are they after you, Johanna?"

I stayed quiet for a moment. I was dreading this moment. The moment where I would have to tell him everything. Would this make him see me any different?

"My ex mate sent them." I told him, watching the color of his skin change black for a second before going back to normal. "I'll tell you everything but I'm so scared it'll make you think differently of me."

"Johanna." He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, his face softened. He leaned in to kiss me softly. "Nothing could make me think of you any differently. Talk to me, my love."

"I found out that Zeke was my mate when I was sixteen." I began, taking a deep breath. "At first, everything was a little confusing. He pretty much ignored me in the first few months. Then he left for alpha training. He was gone for about eight months and I was okay with that. I was able to take care of Jeriah and focus all my attention on him. Jeremiah was with Zeke, training to become Beta. But when they came back, after I turned seventeen, everything changed."

I took a deep breath, not wanting to continue. I'd never told anyone the full story. Not even Skylar, even though she saw most of it first hand. Nik reached over and took my hand. I smiled at him and continued.

"It was right after I turned seventeen. He got angry one night and he hit me. I couldn't believe that he would do that. Mates aren't supposed to hurt each other. But he found out that he liked it. He forced me to work in the kitchen or the laundry room. All the while, I was still raising Jeriah. With the little bit of help from Jeremiah. At night, Zeke would take me down to the basement. For privacy, is what he told me. He did awful things to me."

"What did he do to you?" He asked when I didn't continue. He looked torn between sympathy and anger.

"At first, it was just the beatings. He used different things. Several different types of whips. Some of the scars are still on my back because they never had time to heal. He took his sweet time breaking nearly every bone in my body. Then, after a few months of enduring that, it turned sexual for him. He was drunk the first time he raped me. A couple of guys stood there and laughed when I begged. You know, I don't even know if Jeremiah ever knew. I got pregnant once and even carried to term. The problem was that the abuse never stopped. So when I gave birth, the baby was stillborn. I almost died that night because when Zeke found out, he almost beat me to death. I never got to hold my baby."

I hadn't realized that I had started crying until Nik reached up to wipe a tear away. I knew how I looked to him. Utterly broken.

"Jeremiah didn't find out about the baby until weeks later. By that time most of my wounds from the beating had healed. Skylar helped me through the healing. She hardly left my side unless it was to take care of Jeriah. She's endured her fair share of abuse. Hell most of the lower ranking wolves have. Especially the ones who worked as the cleaning staff. I went through almost six years of that abuse before Zeke beat me and told me to run. I'm so scared for Jeriah and Skylar. Jeremiah is the beta so I doubt he's in any trouble. Just Jeriah is so little. He's only six."

Nik sat there for awhile, like he was lost in thought. He stared at me, trying to go through everything I just told him. After a few minutes, he sighed and stood up. He planted a kiss on the top of my head and started to walk out of my room.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, running up to him. He turned and gave me a small smile.

"Come to the office with me. I need a few more details." He said. I gave him a confused look. "I'm gonna go get them. I'll go get your little brother."

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